Symfony: How to Escape Output in Twig Templates (with Examples)

Updated: January 14, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When working with Symfony and Twig, output escaping is an important security practice that helps prevent XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks by ensuring that any output rendered to your templates is safe. Twig provides automatic escaping, but there are situations where you might need to manually escape output or tweak the default behavior. This tutorial will explore how to escape output in Twig templates effectively with examples.

Understanding Twig Escaping

Twig automatically escapes variables before rendering them to the browser, preventing malicious code from running. Escaping is context-sensitive, meaning Twig chooses the appropriate strategy based on the context (HTML, JavaScript, CSS, URL, etc.). The default context is HTML, where Twig escapes &, “, <, >, and ‘.

Here’s a simple example of auto-escaping in action:

{{ user_input }}

In this example, if user_input contains any HTML tags or special characters, they will be escaped automatically when rendered.

Manually Escaping Variables

Sometimes you might need to escape variables manually. The |escape (or |e) filter can be used for this purpose, allowing you to specify an escaping strategy explicitly.

{{ user_input|escape('html') }}

You can also use shorthand notation for certain contexts:

  • {{ user_input|e('html') }} – Escapes for HTML content.
  • {{ user_input|e('js') }} – Escapes for JavaScript content.
  • {{ user_input|e('url') }} – Escapes for URL parameters.

Note that if you use |e or |escape with a variable in a context that’s different from its default, you override the automatic escaping that Twig would otherwise apply.

Disabling Escaping

Although not recommended, there might be cases where you need to disable escaping completely. You can do this using the raw filter:

{{ user_input|raw }}

Use this filter with caution, as it opens the possibility for XSS attacks.

Using Escaping in Different Contexts

Common scenarios:

  1. HTML Context: Most common and default context. All variables are escaped with HTML entities to prevent tags or attributes from being interpreted.
  2. JavaScript Context: Useful when inserting variables directly into JavaScript. Proper escaping is vital to prevent script injection.
  3. URL Context: When variables are part of URL parameters, they need to be escaped to prevent URL manipulation.

Example of JavaScript context:

{% set data = "Hello, <script>alert('I am malicious code!')</script> World!" %}

  var jsData = {{ data | json_encode | raw }};
  // Output will be: var jsData = "Hello, <script>alert('I am malicious code!')</script> World!";

Example of URL context:

{% set urlParam = "User Input: <a href=''>Click Me</a>" %}

<a href="{{ urlParam | url_encode }}">Click Here</a>

Custom Escaping Strategies

In addition to the predefined strategies, Twig allows you to define custom escaping strategies using the escape method in your Twig extension class:

use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\EncoderFactoryInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;

public function escapeHtmlMoreSafe(Environment $env, $string, $charset)
    // Use Symfony's built-in Twig extension for escaping
    $escapedString = $env->getExtension('Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Extension\SecurityExtension')

    // Add custom escaping logic here if needed

    return $escapedString;

After defining a custom strategy, register it:

$twig = new Environment($loader);
$twig->getExtension(EscaperExtension::class)->setEscaper('html_more_safe', 'escapeHtmlMoreSafe');

Now you can use your custom strategy:

{{ user_input|e('html_more_safe') }}


Escaping output in Twig templates is essential for web application security. By understanding and utilizing Twig’s escaping functions, developers can better protect their applications from XSS attacks. When in doubt, stick with Twig’s default auto-escaping mechanism; however, it’s important to understand how and when to apply different escaping strategies or even define your own when the situation demands it.