Symfony: How to access dynamic variable names in Twig templates

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


One of Twig’s most powerful features is the ability to dynamically create and access variables. Unlike traditional programming languages, Twig, the templating engine used by Symfony, allows you to generate variable names programmatically and utilize them within your templates. In this guide, we’ll explore how to leverage dynamic variables in Twig, using various techniques applicable to your Symfony projects.

Basic Variable Access

Before we dive into dynamic variables, let’s start with the basics of accessing variables in Twig. You can output a variable in Twig using curly braces:

{{ variable_name }}

This is straightforward when you know the exact name of the variable you wish to access. However, what if you want to access a variable based on a dynamic expression or runtime value?

Access with Simple Concatenation

One of the simplest ways to achieve dynamic variables is by using the ‘attribute’ function. It allows you to specify the variable name as a string, which can be concatenated with other strings or variables. Here’s a basic example:

{% set prefix = 'user_' %}
{% for i in 1..3 %}
  {% set dynamicVar = prefix ~ i %}
  {{ attribute(_context, dynamicVar) }}
{% endfor %}

This will access user_1, user_2, and user_3 variables, assuming they are defined in the template’s context.

Dynamic Access in Arrays

Things get slightly more complex when dealing with arrays. You can use the ‘attribute’ function to dynamically access array keys as well:

{% set data = {'user_1': 'Alice', 'user_2': 'Bob', 'user_3': 'Carol'} %}
{% for i in 1..3 %}
  {{ attribute(data, 'user_' ~ i) }}
{% endfor %}

The code above loops through numbers 1 to 3, creating a dynamic key to access the value from the data array.

Advanced Dynamic Variable Access

For more advanced scenarios, you might need to access properties of objects dynamically. The ‘attribute’ function continues to be useful in these situations:

{% for field in ['firstName', 'lastName', 'email'] %}
  {{ attribute(user, field) }}
{% endfor %}

Above, we’re dynamically accessing the firstName, lastName, and email properties of a user object. This is particularly useful for creating generic templates that handle various types of objects.

Nested Variable Names

You can also access nested properties dynamically:

{% set user = {'profile': {'firstName': 'John', 'lastName': 'Doe'}} %}
{{ attribute(attribute(user, 'profile'), 'firstName') }}

This allows you to access the firstName within the nested profile array inside of the user array.

Variable Method Calls

Twig can also dynamically call object methods using a similar syntax:

{% for method in ['getFirstName', 'getLastName', 'getEmail'] %}
  {{ attribute(user, method) }}
{% endfor %}

This is akin to invoking $user->getFirstName(), $user->getLastName(), and $user->getEmail() in PHP. Keep in mind that the object’s methods should be accessible and should not require any arguments.

Combining Conditionals with Dynamic Variables

You may also conditionally create or access variables based on certain conditions:

{% set type = 'admin' %}
{{ attribute(_context, 'is_' ~ type) ? 'Welcome, administrator!' : 'Access denied.' }}

Here we use the ternary operator to access a variable named is_admin and return a message based on its boolean value.

Security Considerations

While using dynamic variables can be powerful, keep in mind that it must be done securely. You should always ensure that variable names created or accessed dynamically don’t come directly from user input to avoid potential security issues such as template injections.

Practical Example

Let’s consider a real-world scenario where you have a form, with field names being dynamically generated based on the data provided by the server.

{% for field_name in form.getFieldNames() %}
  {{ form.getLabel(field_name) }}
  {{ form.renderField(field_name) }}
{% endfor %}

This loops over a collection of field names provided by form.getFieldNames(), dynamically rendering each field label and input.


Dynamic variable access in Twig templates provides great flexibility, but it should be used judiciously to maintain clarity and security. By harnessing these techniques in Symfony, you can create more generic, robust, and reusable templates for your web applications.