Symfony: How to Access Session from Twig Templates

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Symfony, being one of the most prominent PHP frameworks, offers an elegant way to handle sessions and provides seamless integration with Twig, its default templating engine. In the context of web applications, a session is a server-side storage of information that is desired to persist throughout the user’s interactions with the web application. Twig, on the other hand, stands out with its syntactical simplicity and flexibility, allowing developers to create dynamic content with ease.

Our journey today will take us through the nuances of accessing the session variable within Twig templates. This tutorial will guide you step by step, ensuring that no matter your proficiency with Symfony or Twig, you will find actionable insights and best practices.

Before diving into the specifics, it’s essential to understand that good practice in modern Symfony applications is to handle the business logic within controllers or services and pass only the necessary data to Twig templates. Nevertheless, there may be situations where accessing the session directly from Twig is the most straightforward solution – for example, displaying flash messages or user-specific data. So, let’s get to it.

Setting Up Your Symfony Project

If you’re starting from scratch, the first thing you’ll need to do is create a new Symfony project. Here’s how you could do it using Symfony CLI:

symfony new my_project --full

This command sets up a new project with all the default configurations required for a web application. Make sure you have the Symfony CLI installed before running this command. Otherwise, head over to the official Symfony website for installation instructions.

Once your project is up and running, we can talk about sessions.

Understanding Sessions in Symfony

Sessions in Symfony can be managed by injecting the session service into your controllers. This service is an instance of SessionInterface and it provides several methods to set, get, and remove session attributes.

Here’s a simple example of how you would typically handle a session in a Symfony controller:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\SessionInterface;

public function index(SessionInterface $session)
    // Setting a session attribute
    $session->set('key', 'value');

    // Getting a session attribute
    $value = $session->get('key');

    // Removing a session attribute

This is good for setting the stage, but our goal is to utilize session variables within Twig templates.

Accessing Session in Twig

In Twig, the global app variable is automatically available in every template. Within this app variable, the session can be accessed for reading session-related data. This means that you don’t need to do anything special to access the session: it’s already there for you.

Here’s how you would access and display a session variable in Twig:

{{ app.session.get('key') }}

It’s as simple as that. However, Twig goes even beyond and allows checking if the session has a certain attribute:

{% if app.session.has('key') %}
    The value of 'key' is: {{ app.session.get('key') }}
{% endif %}

For displaying flash messages, the session flashbag is incredibly useful. Here’s how to loop through flash messages in Twig:

{% for message in app.flashes('notice') %}

{{ message }}

{% endfor %}

Remember, flash messages are a one-time use session attribute. They are used to display notifications to the user and will be gone on the next page load.

Best Practices

While direct access to app.session from Twig might be convenient, it’s crucial to do so judiciously. Always consider first if the logic to set or alter session values belongs in the controller. Be prudent when exposing session data to your templates, ensuring you’re only passing what’s necessary. Overreliance on app.session in Twig could lead to templates cluttered with business logic, which would be a deviation from the MVC pattern principles Symfony advocates for.

Another best practice is to serialize objects before storing them in a session, as not all objects can be serialized or may not contain the same state when unserialized. For example, storing an Entity object may produce unexpected results after it’s been serialized and then unserialized.


In summary, accessing the session variable in Twig templates can be very straightforward thanks to the global app variable provided by the Twig bridge in Symfony. However, remember to always adhere to best practices and manage your sessions responsibly. Make use of controllers for your business logic and keep your Twig templates clean and focused on presenting data.

We’ve covered the hows, but your journey doesn’t end here. Extend your understanding by considering how this integrates into user authentication, maintaining state between requests, and coordinating with your security firewalls. With the basics under your belt, you’re now ready to handle sessions like a seasoned Symfony developer. Happy coding!