Symfony: How to inject dependencies into a service

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern that allows a class to receive its dependencies from an external source rather than creating them internally. In Symfony, service dependency injection is essential for maintaining clean code and a separation of concerns. This tutorial guides you through the process of injecting dependencies into a service in Symfony, from the most basic examples to more advanced use cases. Complete with code examples, you’ll understand how to utilize Symfony’s service container to manage dependencies effectively.

Understanding the Basics

To start, let’s clarify what a service in Symfony is. A service is any PHP object that performs a specific task, like sending emails, handling database connections, or processing payments. The concept of service-oriented architecture is at the core of Symfony, and services are usually configured and managed within the service container.

First off, you’ll have to define your service. Here’s an example of a simple service that logs messages:

namespace App\Service;

class LoggerService {
  public function log(string $message) {
    // Log the message to some storage

In many situations, services like LoggerService need external resources, such as a logging library or a configuration file. This is where dependency injection comes into play.

Constructor Injection

The most common method of injecting dependencies into a service is through the constructor. Constructor injection makes dependencies explicit and ensures that your service has everything it needs before it is used.

Assume we want to inject a logger interface into our LoggerService. We’ll do this by defining an interface for the logger dependency:

namespace App\Logger;

interface LoggerInterface {
  public function log(string $message): void;

Then, modify the LoggerService to accept a LoggerInterface instance via its constructor:

// src/Service/LoggerService.php
namespace App\Service;

use App\Logger\LoggerInterface;

class LoggerService {
  private $logger;

  public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) {
    $this->logger = $logger;

  public function log(string $message) {

You’ll then define this service and its dependency in the configuration, so Symfony knows how to instantiate it:

# config/services.yaml
  App\Logger\LoggerInterface: '@monolog.logger'
    arguments: ['@App\Logger\LoggerInterface']

Using this approach, when the service container creates an instance of LoggerService, it will automatically pass in the defined logger instance, fulfilling the dependency.

Setter Injection

If your dependency is not vital for the service’s operation or needs to be set at a later point, setter injection can be used. The following is how you would do this:

namespace App\Service;

use App\Logger\LoggerInterface;

class SomeService {
  private $logger;

  public function setLogger(LoggerInterface $logger) {
    $this->logger = $logger;

In services.yaml, you can specify the call to the setter method:

# config/services.yaml
      - method: 'setLogger'
        arguments: ['@App\Logger\LoggerInterface']

This instructs the service container to call the setLogger method after the service is instantiated, thereby injecting the logger dependency.

Property Injection

While less common and not considered best practice due to its potential to break encapsulation, you can inject dependencies directly into properties. Here’s an example of how to achieve this:

namespace App\Service;

use App\Logger\LoggerInterface;

class AnotherService {@Inject}
  public $logger;

To configure property injection using services.yaml, you’ll use the following:

# config/services.yaml
      $logger: '@App\Logger\LoggerInterface'

Note that property injection should only be used in special cases, since it exposes your service’s internals and can complicate unit testing.

Interface Injection

Interface injection is a form that requires the receiving class to implement an interface with a method that will receive the dependency. This pattern is less frequent in Symfony, as constructor and setter injections cover most use cases sufficiently.

Advanced Methods

As you advance in Symfony, you might encounter the need for other types of dependency injection like method injection and factory injections. These are more complex methods and will be covered in a more topic-specific tutorial.

Best Practices for Dependency Injection

When injecting dependencies, it’s crucial to keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Prefer constructor injection to ensure your service is always in a valid state.
  • Use interfaces instead of concrete classes to define dependencies. This promotes loose coupling and easier testing.
  • Avoid property injection unless absolutely necessary.
  • Keep dependency hierarchies shallow to avoid compounding complexity and ensure optimal performance.


To sum up, Symfony’s dependency injection techniques enable developers to maintain a clean and decouple codebase. Using the right injection method helps make your services flexible and easy to test. By following the demonstrated principles and practices, you can streamline your Symfony application for robustness and scalability.