Symfony PDOException ‘could not find driver’

Updated: January 13, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

The Problem

Symfony’s PDOException ‘could not find driver’ is an error that usually occurs when a PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension is not installed or not enabled, or the PDO driver for the specific database you’re trying to connect to isn’t available. This error may prove frustrating to solve because it may not be immediately apparent which driver is missing or how to proceed with the necessary installations or configurations.

Solution 1: Install PDO Extension

If the PDO extension is not installed in PHP, you’ll get this error. The first thing to do is to check if PDO and the database-specific driver (like pdo_mysql for MySQL) are installed.

  1. Check your current PHP version with php -v.
  2. Check installed PHP modules with php -m | grep pdo.
  3. If PDO is not listed, you need to install it. Extensions can be installed using package managers like apt or brew, or by recompiling PHP with the appropriate flags.
  4. After installation, ensure that the extension is enabled in your php.ini file.
  5. Restart your web server to apply the changes.

Notes: Ensuring the PDO extension is installed is fundamental for any PHP application that relies on database interactions. This is typically the first port of call when you encounter a ‘could not find driver’ error. However, PDO alone might not resolve the issue if the specific database driver isn’t installed.

Solution 2: Enable PDO Driver

Even if the PDO extension is installed, you need to ensure that the specific database driver (for example, for MySQL it’s pdo_mysql) is enabled.

  1. Open your php.ini file. The location of this file can be found using php --ini.
  2. Search for the line that looks like ;extension=pdo_mysql or ;extension=pdo_pgsql, depending on your database.
  3. Remove the semicolon to enable the extension. It should look like extension=pdo_mysql.
  4. Save the php.ini file and restart your web server.

Your Symfony application should now be able to connect to the database without returning the PDOException ‘could not find driver’ error

Notes: EThis solution is specific and straightforward but remember that different environments might have multiple php.ini files for CLI and web server configurations. Make sure to enable the driver in the correct file corresponding to your use case.