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Sync State to the URL with the JavaScript History API

Last updated: December 13, 2024

The JavaScript History API is a robust tool that enables developers to manage the state of their web applications effectively. One common use case involves synchronizing the state of an application with the URL. By reflecting the current application state in the URL, users can bookmark, share, or reload pages without losing their current state.

The two main methods we'll explore are history.pushState() and history.replaceState(). These methods allow us to alter the browser's history stack without causing page reloads. Let's start by understanding the basic concepts and then delve into some practical examples.

Understanding the History API

The History API is part of the larger HTML5 API family and is supported by all modern browsers. Here's an overview of key methods:

  • history.pushState(state, unused, url): This method adds a new entry to the browser's history stack. The state parameter is a JavaScript object associated with the new history entry. The url is the new address to display in the browser's address bar.
  • history.replaceState(state, unused, url): This method modifies the current history entry, replacing the state object and optionally, the URL without creating a new entry on the history stack.
  • window.onpopstate: An event that gets fired every time the active history entry changes.

Using pushState

history.pushState() is ideal for situations where you want to navigate the user to a new URL and also change the application state without refreshing the page. Here’s a simple example:

// Function to load different content based on state
function loadContent(state) {
  const content = document.getElementById('content');
  if (state && {
    content.textContent = `You are viewing page: ${}`;
  } else {
    content.textContent = 'Welcome to the default page!';

// Event listener for link click
document.querySelectorAll('nav a').forEach(anchor => {
  anchor.addEventListener('click', event => {
    const page = anchor.getAttribute('data-page');
    history.pushState({ page: page }, '', `?page=${page}`);
    loadContent({ page: page });

// Handle popstate event
window.addEventListener('popstate', (event) => {

In this example, clicking on a navigation link will update the URL to include a query parameter ?page= followed by the page identifier, without refreshing the page. The corresponding content is then loaded and displayed.

Using replaceState

history.replaceState() is useful when you want to update the current URL or state without logging a new history entry. Consider the following scenario:

// Function to update the address bar without creating a new entry
function updateURL(page) {
  history.replaceState({ page: page }, '', `?page=${page}`);

// Simulating an immediate state update
function navigateToPage(page) {
  // Logic to update page content immediately
  document.getElementById('content').textContent = `Instantly viewing page: ${page}`;


This code uses replaceState to change the URL when the user navigates to a different page, but it doesn’t add a new entry into the browser history. The user will not see intermediate states in the back/forward navigation, which can often be a desirable behavior for certain applications.

Handling popstate

The popstate event is fired whenever the active history entry changes. This could be due to a call to history.back(), history.forward(), or history.go().

Here’s a quick example:

window.onpopstate = function(event) {
  if (event.state) {
    const page =;
    document.getElementById('content').textContent = `Navigated to: ${page}`;
  } else {
    document.getElementById('content').textContent = 'Welcome to the default page!';

This event listener ensures that when the user navigates back or forward, the application updates its state accordingly to reflect the current URL’s parameters.


Leveraging the History API to sync state with URLs allows for creating applications that are easier to navigate and use. By placing meaningful information in the URL, you enhance bookmarking capabilities and improve the overall user experience. The History API is powerful but requires precise implementation to ensure that your application behaves consistently across session transitions.

Next Article: Improve App Navigation and SEO with JavaScript History Management

Previous Article: Create Bookmark-Friendly Single-Page Apps Using the History API in JavaScript

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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