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Tailwind CSS: How to Create a Stepper

Last updated: December 15, 2023

When building modern websites, there may be cases where users have to complete several steps in a process (registration and authentication process, ordering and payment process, etc). To increase visibility and improve user experience, adding a stepper is a good thing to do.

The example below shows you how to create a stepper with Tailwind CSS. The point here is to use the :before and :after modifiers to make the progress bar.


The code:

<body class="p-20">
        <ol class="flex">
            <li class="relative w-[150px] text-center text-sm font-light italic
                after:content-[''] after:absolute after:left-[50%] after:top-[200%] after:w-5 after:h-5 
                after:bg-blue-500 after:rounded-full after:z-50
                Step One
            <li class="relative w-[150px] text-center text-sm font-light italic
            before:content-[''] before:absolute before:left-[-50%] before:top-[calc(200%+0.5rem)] before:w-full before:h-1 
            after:content-[''] after:absolute after:left-[50%] after:top-[200%] after:w-5 after:h-5 
            after:bg-blue-500 after:rounded-full after:z-50
                Step Two

            <li class="relative w-[150px] text-center text-sm font-light italic
            before:content-[''] before:absolute before:left-[-50%] before:top-[calc(200%+0.5rem)] before:w-full before:h-1 
            after:content-[''] after:absolute after:left-[50%] after:top-[200%] after:w-5 after:h-5 
            after:bg-blue-500 after:rounded-full after:z-50
                Step Three
            <li class="relative w-[150px] text-center text-sm font-light italic
            before:content-[''] before:absolute before:left-[-50%] before:top-[calc(200%+0.5rem)] before:w-full before:h-1 
            after:content-[''] after:absolute after:left-[50%] after:top-[200%] after:w-5 after:h-5 
            after:bg-gray-300 after:rounded-full after:z-50
                Final Step

You can modify the code to improve the result and adjust elements to fit your needs.

That’s it. Happy coding & have beautiful projects with Tailwind CSS!

Next Article: Tailwind CSS: Expand a Text Input on Focus (without Javascript)

Previous Article: Tailwind CSS: How to style the Select element

Series: Styling Form Elements with Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS

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