Terraform Error – Invalid value for ‘number’ parameter: cannot parse ‘x’ as int

Updated: February 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Understanding the Error

When working with Terraform, you might encounter an error message that says ‘Invalid value for ‘number’ parameter: cannot parse ‘x’ as int’. This error often occurs when Terraform expects a numeric value for a parameter, but instead finds a non-numeric input or a misconfigured variable. This guide will explain the common reasons leading to this error and provide some solutions to resolve it efficiently.

Common Causes

This error message primarily arises when you are defining resources or variables in Terraform and the type assertion for a numerical value goes wrong due to misconfiguration, typographical errors, or an incorrect data type. It’s essential to ensure that all parameters needing numeric inputs strictly receive them in the right format. Let’s dive into some solutions to tackle this problem.

Solution 1: Verify and Correct Data Types

The first step in troubleshooting is to verify and correct any data types mistakes in your Terraform configuration. This solution involves checking the variable definitions and ensuring they align with the expected data types by Terraform.

  • Step 1: Open your Terraform configuration file (.tf).
  • Step 2: Locate the variable or resource parameter causing the error.
  • Step 3: Verify that the input provided matches the expected data type, specifically, an integer value without quotes.
  • Step 4: If necessary, correct the input to ensure it’s an integer.

Example: If your Terraform configuration includes a variable defined as ‘count’ but is mistakenly assigned a string or other data type, update it to reflect an integer value.

variable "example_count" {
  type        = number
  description = "Number of instances to create."

output "totalCount" {
  value = var.example_count

Notes: This solution is straightforward and often resolves the issue immediately. However, it requires careful inspection of your configuration files to identify where the mismatch occurs.

Solution 2: Use Type Conversion Functions

If your input is dynamically generated or comes from an unconventional source, using Terraform’s type conversion functions can be helpful to explicitly convert them into the appropriate data type.

  • Step 1: Identify the input source that needs conversion.
  • Step 2: Utilize Terraform’s built-in function, such as tonumber(), to convert the input to an integer.
  • Step 3: Apply the conversion directly where the input is used or assign it to a new variable for clean code organization.

Example: Converting a string to a number using the tonumber() function.

variable "instance_count" {
  type = string
  default = "3"

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  count = tonumber(var.instance_count)
  // other configuration

Notes: This method offers flexibility in managing dynamic or string inputs, ensuring they are correctly interpreted as integers by Terraform. However, it adds a layer of complexity to the configuration and relies on correct usage of the type conversion functions.

Solution 3: Debugging and Investigation

Sometimes, the issue might not be as straightforward, requiring deeper investigation. Using Terraform’s debugging features can provide insights into how variables are interpreted during the execution process.

  • Step 1: Enable Terraform’s debug mode by setting the environment variable TF_LOG=DEBUG.
  • Step 2: Run your Terraform apply or plan command to observe the detailed logs.
  • Step 3: Look for log entries that specify how the ‘number’ parameter value is processed and identify any discrepancies.
  • Step 4: Based on your findings, make the necessary corrections in your configuration.

Notes: Debugging can be time-consuming and may expose sensitive information in logs, so always be cautious and ensure logs are handled securely. This approach is best suited for complex errors that are not resolved through simple type checks or conversions.

In conclusion, resolving the ‘Invalid value for ‘number’ parameter: cannot parse ‘x’ as int’ error in Terraform involves a combination of verifying data types, utilizing type conversion functions, and possibly engaging in deeper debugging. Understanding the nature of this error and taking meticulous steps towards correcting it will significantly smooth your Terraform configuration experiences.