Terraform: How to achieve zero-downtime deployments

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of DevOps and infrastructure as code (IaC), having the capability to deploy and update applications without affecting users is paramount. Terraform, a powerful tool by HashiCorp, enables developers and operators to attain zero-downtime deployments through infrastructure automation. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore strategies, accompanied by practical examples, to achieve zero-downtime deployments using Terraform.

Understanding Zero-Downtime Deployment

Zero-downtime deployment is a process that allows application updates and releases without any service disruption for the end-users. This is critical for maintaining a good user experience and ensuring the reliability of services in production environments.

Basics of Terraform

Before diving into zero-downtime deployment strategies, let’s understand the basics of Terraform. Terraform is an open-source tool that allows you to define infrastructure as code using a declarative configuration language. This approach enables you to manage your infrastructure’s lifecycle efficiently, including deployment, updates, and destruction.

Strategy 1: Utilizing Blue-Green Deployments

The blue-green deployment strategy involves maintaining two production environments, traditionally named ‘blue’ and ‘green’. At any point in time, only one of these environments is live, serving all the production traffic. During an update, changes are applied to the inactive environment. Once the update is successful and verified, traffic is switched from the currently active environment to the updated one.

# Example: Creating two environments in Terraform

resource "aws_elb" "blue" {
  // Blue environment configurations

resource "aws_elb" "green" {
  // Green environment configurations

This code snippet demonstrates how to define two Elastic Load Balancers in AWS, representing the blue and green environments.

Strategy 2: Rolling Updates with Auto Scaling Groups

Rolling updates are another strategy to achieve zero-downtime. This involves gradually replacing instances of the previous version with new versions, thereby minimizing the risk of downtime. Auto-scaling groups in cloud services like AWS or Azure make this easier by automating the process.

# Example: Configuring Rolling Updates in Terraform with AWS AutoScaling Group

resource "aws_autoscaling_group" "app" {
  min_size = 3
  max_size = 6

  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

The create_before_destroy lifecycle policy ensures that new instances are created and fully operational before the old instances are destroyed, thus reducing the risk of downtime.

Strategy 3: Canary Deployments

Canary deployments involve releasing a new version to a small subset of users before rolling it out to everyone. This allows for monitoring and validating the new version in a real-world environment with minimal risk.

# Example: Implementing Canary Deployments in Terraform

resource "aws_route53_record" "canary" {
  // Configuration for directing a subset of traffic to the new version

This example shows how to direct a portion of the DNS traffic to the new version of the application, enabling a canary deployment.

Monitoring and Rollback

Monitoring the deployment and having a rollback plan ready is crucial in zero-downtime deployment strategies. Terraform’s support for versioning and state management allows for quick rollbacks in case anomalies are detected post-deployment.

Advanced Techniques

For applications requiring complex deployment strategies, combining the above methods or integrating with third-party deployment pipelines can be explored to customize the deployment process further.


Zero-downtime deployments are essential for maintaining continuous service availability. By leveraging Terraform and the strategies discussed, developers can automate and manage deployments with minimal to no disruptions, thereby enhancing the user experience and service reliability.