Terraform: How to sync files and folders

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Terraform is a powerful tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. While primarily known for managing infrastructure as code, Terraform can also be extended to manage files and synchronize folders as part of provisioning processes. This tutorial walks through various methods to achieve file and folder synchronization using Terraform, ranging from basic to advanced techniques.

Understanding Terraform

Before diving into file synchronization, it’s important to grasp a few Terraform basics. Terraform uses HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language) to describe the needed infrastructure. This declarative code is then applied to reach the desired state of infrastructure, allowing for automation and repeatability. While Terraform doesn’t natively manage file contents or directory structures, its extensible nature lets us incorporate external tools or resources for those tasks.

Basic File Copy with Terraform

To start, let’s look at a basic example of copying a single file from a local machine to an AWS EC2 instance using Terraform.

resource "aws_instance" "example" {
  ami           = "ami-abc123"
  instance_type = "t2.micro"

  provisioner "file" {
    source      = "./source_file.txt"
    destination = "/tmp/destination_file.txt"

    connection {
      type        = "ssh"
      user        = "ec2-user"
      private_key = file("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
      host        = self.public_ip

In this configuration, we’re using the provisioner block with the file provisioner to copy a file. This is a straightforward method to begin with. However, the scope of this technique is quite limited, as it only addresses single file transfers to provisioned resources.

Advanced Folder Synchronization

For more comprehensive needs, such as folder synchronization, third-party tools like Rsync can be integrated with Terraform. This section explains how to set up Rsync within Terraform to sync entire directories.

resource "null_resource" "sync_folder" {
  triggers = {
    always_run = "${timestamp()}"

  provisioner "local-exec" {
    command = "rsync -avz ./source_folder/ ec2-user@${aws_instance.example.public_ip}:/tmp/destination_folder"

    environment = {
      AWS_DEFAULT_REGION = var.region

This configuration uses the null_resource to trigger an external command. The local-exec provisioner allows us to execute the Rsync command from our local machine to our target EC2 instance. The triggers block ensures that the operation runs every time Terraform applies, allowing for dynamic synchronization.

Advanced Tips for Using Rsync with Terraform

When using Rsync, there are multiple flags and settings to optimize the sync process:

  • -a ensures that the synchronization respects the file’s original attributes.
  • -v enables verbose mode, providing detailed information during the sync.
  • -z enables compression for faster transfer speeds over the network.

Additionally, managing SSH keys securely is critical. Storing your private key securely and passing it safely to Terraform allows for seamless operations while maintaining security.


Although Terraform is not primarily designed for file and folder management, its flexibility allows for integrating tools like Rsync for efficient file synchronization tasks. With a basic understanding of how to utilize provisioners for individual files and advanced techniques for folder syncs, Terraform can indeed be leveraged to manage a wide array of infrastructure needs, including the synchronization of files and folders.

Mastering these techniques ensures that your infrastructure and your data can be dynamically and securely managed across your cloud environments, providing you with a robust, scalable, and manageable system.