Terraform: How to update the lock file

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Terraform, an open-source infrastructure as code software by HashiCorp, utilizes a mechanism known as the dependency lock file to ensure consistent plugin versions across all operations. This lock file, named .terraform.lock.hcl, is a crucial component in maintaining infrastructure stability and consistency. This tutorial aims to guide you through the process of updating the Terraform lock file, covering basic to advanced scenarios with applicable code examples.

Understanding the Terraform Lock File

Before diving into the update process, it’s essential to understand what the Terraform lock file is and why it’s important. The lock file stores the exact version information for each provider used in your Terraform configurations, ensuring that Terraform applies the same provider versions across all environments and team members. This mechanism prevents discrepancies in infrastructure deployment that can arise from version mismatches.

Initiating a Simple Update

The simplest way to update the Terraform lock file is to run the terraform init command with the -upgrade flag. This command updates the providers to the latest versions that comply with the version constraints specified in your Terraform configuration files.

$ terraform init -upgrade

This action reinitializes your working directory and updates the lock file with the newest compatible provider versions. It’s a straightforward approach suited for general maintenance updates.

Specific Provider Updates

To focus updates on a specific provider, you can use the terraform providers lock command. This command allows you to specify one or more providers for which Terraform should update version information in the lock file.

$ terraform providers lock -platform=darwin_amd64 hashicorp/aws

This updates the lock file with new version information for the AWS provider on macOS (darwin_amd64). You can specify multiple platforms by including the -platform flag for each desired platform.

Dealing with Provider Changes

In scenarios involving provider changes, such as adding a new provider or updating existing provider constraints in the Terraform configuration, running terraform init is necessary. This will prompt Terraform to recognize the configuration changes and update the lock file accordingly.

$ terraform init

If you’re specifically adding a new provider or updating version constraints, the lock file will reflect these changes, ensuring all team members use the unified provider versions.

Advanced Scenarios: Removing Providers

There might be situations where you want to remove a provider from the lock file, perhaps because it’s no longer used in your Terraform configurations. Terraform does not provide a direct command to remove a provider from the lock file. Instead, you must manually edit the .terraform.lock.hcl file to remove the undesired provider block. After making the changes, run terraform init to validate the lock file’s integrity.

$ terraform init

It’s crucial to exercise caution when manually editing the lock file, as incorrect modifications can lead to project inconsistencies.

Handling Cross-Platform Compatibility

For teams working across different operating systems, ensuring that the lock file accounts for all necessary platforms is essential. Use the terraform providers lock command with multiple -platform flags to include version information for each platform.

$ terraform providers lock -platform=darwin_amd64 -platform=linux_amd64 hashicorp/aws

This will update the lock file with version information suitable for both macOS and Linux for the specified provider, facilitating cross-platform compatibility.

Synchronizing Lock Files in Version Control

It’s considered best practice to include the .terraform.lock.hcl file in version control. This ensures all team members and deployment pipelines use the same provider versions, minimizing the “It works on my machine” syndrome. After updating the lock file, commit the changes to your version control system to synchronize the project state across all teams.


Keeping the Terraform lock file updated is pivotal for the success of infrastructure deployments. The mechanisms discussed here provide a flexible approach to managing your Terraform providers, ensuring consistency and stability. Whether you’re updating a single provider or managing cross-platform deployments, understanding how to correctly update the lock file is a valuable skill for any infrastructure engineer or devops practitioner.