Terraform JSON Parsing Errors: Causes and Solutions

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Working with Terraform for infrastructure as code (IaC) provides flexibility and power but also comes with its set of challenges, particularly when dealing with JSON parsing errors. JSON syntax and structure errors can halt your infrastructure provisioning and management tasks. Understanding the causes and mastering several solutions can help mitigate these errors efficiently. Here, we explore common causes and provide targeted solutions for anyone working with Terraform and JSON.

Solution 1: Validate JSON Syntax

Before diving into Terraform’s intricacies, ensuring your JSON files are syntactically correct is crucial. Simple syntax errors like missing commas or curly braces can cause unexpected errors.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Use a JSON validator tool or an IDE with JSON validation capabilities.
  2. Check for common syntax errors: missing commas, unbalanced braces or quotes, etc.
  3. Cross-verify with JSON standards if unsure about specific structures.

Notes: This is a foundational step. Efficient parsing commences with error-free JSON syntax. It’s quick, improves overall workflow, and reduces debugging time significantly.

Solution 2: Ensure Proper Terraform JSON Structure

Terraform expects JSON configurations to conform to a specific structure that slightly differs from standard JSON objects. Overlooking this structure can trigger parsing errors.

Steps to Implement:

  1. Familiarize with Terraform’s expected JSON format for resources, variables, etc.
  2. Reorganize your JSON objects to match Terraform’s requirement.
  3. Use terraform validate command to check for correctness.

Notes: Though restructuring can be effortful, it ensures compatibility with Terraform’s engine, streamlining further operations.

Solution 3: Use Terraform Built-In Functions for Dynamic JSON Parsing

Terraform provides built-in functions that can help dynamically parse and manipulate JSON structures, reducing the likelihood of hard-coded errors.


  1. Identify the data points in your JSON that might change frequently or are susceptible to human error.
  2. Use Terraform functions like jsondecode() for dynamic parsing.
  3. Integrate these functions into your Terraform configurations to enhance flexibility.


{ "ami": "${jsondecode(var.some_dynamic_json).ami}" } 

Notes: Utilizing Terraform’s functions not only streamlines JSON handling but also introduces a layer of abstraction and error-checking that static files lack. However, mastering these functions requires a bit of learning curve.


Parsing JSON in Terraform can pose challenges, but with the right approaches, these can be smoothly navigated. Starting with basic JSON syntax validation, ensuring adherence to Terraform’s expected structure, and leveraging Terraform’s dynamic parsing capabilities stand out as efficient pathways to error reduction. Each solution addresses different facets of JSON parsing issues, empowering users to build and manage their infrastructure with reduced errors and higher confidence.