Terraform: Working with the terraform_login command

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Terraform by HashiCorp is an indispensable tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure efficiently. It supports a wide array of service providers and custom in-house solutions. One of Terraform’s powerful features is its ability to interact seamlessly with the Terraform Cloud, enabling teams to manage Terraform state, secrets, and modules in a secure, scalable, and reliable environment. A critical command that facilitates this interaction is terraform_login. This article delves into the workings of the terraform_login command, backed with code examples ranging from basic to advanced usage, inclusive of outputs wherever applicable.

Working with terraform_login Command

Before digging deep into code examples, it’s important to understand what the terraform_login command is and why it’s used. This command is used to obtain and save an API token for Terraform Cloud or an Enterprise instance. The primary advantage of this command is that it facilitates seamless integration and interaction with Terraform Cloud, enhancing collaborative efforts and managing infrastructure as code in a centralized manner.

Let’s dive into various facets of using the terraform_login command from basic implementations to complex scenarios.

Basic Example: Logging into Terraform Cloud

terraform login

Executing the terraform login command initiates an interactive process that guides you through logging into Terraform Cloud. Upon successful login, it automatically saves your API token in a credentials file. This simplifies future interactions with Terraform Cloud, eliminating the need for manual token management.

Detailed Workflow with the terraform_login Command

Following a basic login, let’s explore a more detailed workflow, showcasing how to work with multiple workspaces and configure them using this command.

terraform login
# Follow the on-screen instructions to login

# Specify the workspace
terraform workspace select my_workspace

This command sequence not only logs you in but also sets the current workspace, streamlining operations for that specific environment within Terraform Cloud.

Using Environment Variables for Non-Interactive Logins

While the interactive login process is straightforward for individuals, automation scripts require a non-interactive approach. This can be achieved by setting the TF_TOKEN environment variable. Here’s how:

export TF_TOKEN="your_terraform_cloud_token"
terraform init

This method is particularly useful for CI/CD pipelines where automated scripts deploy infrastructure changes without human intervention.

Connecting to Terraform Enterprise Instances

If you’re working with a Terraform Enterprise instance instead of Terraform Cloud, the terraform_login command can still be utilized by setting an appropriate endpoint. This involves using the -hostname flag.

terraform login -hostname=enterprise.example.com

Similar to logging into Terraform Cloud, this command initiates an interactive process to connect to your Terraform Enterprise instance, securely storing the API token for subsequent operations.

Managing Multiple Credentials

The terraform_login command also facilitates managing multiple credentials for different instances or workspaces. This is particularly useful for professionals working across various projects or organizations. Terraform looks for credentials in the .terraformrc file or the credentials.tfrc.json file in the user’s home directory. By understanding the structure of these files, you can manually edit them to manage multiple tokens:

cat ~/.terraform.d/credentials.tfrc.json
    "credentials": {
        "app.terraform.io": {
            "token": "your_api_token_here"
        "enterprise.example.com": {
            "token": "another_token_here"

This snippet illustrates the JSON structure for storing tokens for both Terraform Cloud and a Terraform Enterprise instance within the same credentials file.

Advanced Scenario: Leveraging the Terraform Cloud API

With a solid understanding of terraform_login and its ability to manage API tokens, you can leverage these tokens to interact directly with the Terraform Cloud API for advanced workflows and automation tasks. For instance, programmatically managing workspaces or modules. Here’s an example of using cURL to interact with the Terraform Cloud API:

export TF_TOKEN="your_api_token"
curl \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TF_TOKEN}" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json" \

This command fetches a list of workspaces within ‘my-org’ directly using the API, showcasing the power of terraform_login in advanced Terraform Cloud management.


From basic login procedures to sophisticated API interactions, the terraform_login command is pivotal for anyone looking to harness the full potential of Terraform in conjunction with Terraform Cloud. This guide has walked you through a series of progressively complex examples to elevate your Terraform skills. Whether you’re working solo or within a team on Terraform Cloud, mastering terraform_login is essential for efficient and secure cloud infrastructure management.