Ubuntu: How to add a new PATH entry

Updated: January 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


One of the most fundamental aspects of using any Unix-based operating system is understanding how to manage the PATH environment variable. This variable tells the shell where to look for executable files. In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a new PATH entry on an Ubuntu system, thus ensuring that your shell can discover and run your programs without needing the full pathname.

Understanding the PATH Variable

The PATH environment variable is a colon-separated list of directories that the shell scans each time you enter a command. When you type a command in the terminal, the shell checks each directory in the PATH for an executable file matching the command name.

echo $PATH

This command will show you the current PATH settings on your Ubuntu system.

Temporary Changes to PATH

You can add a temporary entry to the PATH using the export command. This change will only last for the duration of your current terminal session.

export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/new/dir

Replace /path/to/new/dir with the actual directory you wish to include.

Persistent Changes to PATH

If you want to make the entry permanent, you need to add it to your profile files like ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile, or /etc/environment.

Adding PATH in ~/.bashrc

The .bashrc file is a script that runs every time you open a new instance of your bash shell. We can add a permanent PATH entry here.

echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/new/dir"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

This appends the new directory to the file and the source command immediately applies the changes.

Adding PATH in ~/.profile

The .profile file is similar to .bashrc but is loaded when you log in to your system. It’s also bash shell-specific. You can edit it using a text editor like nano or vim.

nano ~/.profile

Then add:

export PATH

After saving the file, you will need to log out and back in, or you can source the file using:

source ~/.profile

Adding PATH in /etc/environment

This method is not user-specific and changes the PATH for all users. Use this with caution, as it affects the entire system.

sudo nano /etc/environment

Then, add your new path to the PATH string.

Scripting PATH Changes

You can use shell scripts to automate PATH changes, making it useful for installation scripts and development environment setups.

if [[ ":$PATH:" != *":/path/to/new/dir:"* ]]; then
    export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/new/dir"
    echo 'PATH updated.'
    echo 'PATH entry already exists.'

This script first checks if the path is already in the PATH variable before adding it, avoiding redundant entries.

Advanced Usage: Conditional PATH Extension

In some cases, you may want to conditionally add directories to PATH based on their existence or certain permissions. You can create a small bash function in your ~/.bashrc for this.

function add_to_path_if_exists {
    if [ -d "$1" ] && [[ ":$PATH:" != *":$1:"* ]]; then
        export PATH="$1:$PATH"

add_to_path_if_exists /path/to/conditional/dir
source ~/.bashrc

This function checks if the directory exists and isn’t already in the PATH before adding it.


This tutorial guided you through various methods of adding new entries to the PATH environment variable in Ubuntu. Understanding and manipulating the PATH variable is crucial for seamless command-line workflows. With these methods in hand, you should be able to customize your system PATH to fit your specific needs.