Understanding $addToSet operator in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The $addToSet operator in MongoDB plays a crucial role in managing arrays within documents. It adds a value to an array only if the value does not already exist, preventing duplicates. This tutorial delves deeply into the $addToSet operator, offering insight through practical examples.

Understanding $addToSet

Before we dive into examples, it’s important to understand what $addToSet is and why it’s useful. MongoDB, a NoSQL database, allows for flexible data models. One common model is to use arrays to store multiple values in a single document field. However, maintaining unique values in these arrays can be challenging. Here’s where $addToSet comes in handy, ensuring that only unique items are added to an array.

Basic Syntax

  { <query> },
  { $addToSet: { <field1>: <value1> } }

Real-life Scenario: Managing Tags

Imagine you’re developing a content management system (CMS) where each article can be tagged with multiple keywords. To prevent the same tag from being added multiple times to an article, you’d use $addToSet as follows:

  { _id: MongoDBArticleID },
  { $addToSet: { tags: "NoSQL Database" } }

In this example, if “NoSQL Database” is already among the tags for the specified article, MongoDB does not add it again.

Handling Complex Data Structures

Sometimes, you need to add objects or embedded documents to an array. $addToSet works with these complex data types, too. For instance, if managing a collection of books where each book can have multiple authors, you might do something like this:

  { _id: MongoDBBookID },
  { $addToSet: { authors: { name: "Jane Doe", country: "USA" } } }

This ensures that the exact same author object is not added to a book more than once. But note, the objects must be identical (field order matters) for $addToSet to perceive them as duplicates.

Combining $addToSet with Other Operators

You can also use $addToSet in conjunction with other update operators for more complex updates. For example, increasing a counter while also adding to a set:

  { _id: ArticleID },
  { $inc: { viewCount: 1 }, $addToSet: { uniqueVisitorIds: UserID } }

This increases the article’s view count while ensuring the user’s ID is recorded only once.

Limitations of $addToSet

While powerful, $addToSet has its limitations. Most notably, it cannot identify semantically equivalent objects. That means if two objects contain the same data but in a different order, $addToSet treats them as unique entries. Moreover, the operator cannot be used with the $each modifier to add multiple unique values in a single operation.

Practical Example: Building a User Favorites System

Consider building a feature that allows users to mark items as favorites. To ensure a user can’t mark the same item multiple times, $addToSet is essential.

  { _id: userID },
  { $addToSet: { favorites: productID } }

This approach maintains a clean and unique list of favorites.

Performance Considerations

Regarding performance, $addToSet can be more costly than other array operations due to its uniqueness check. It’s important to weigh this aspect when designing systems that heavily rely on this operator, especially if dealing with large arrays or high-throughput applications.


The $addToSet operator is a versatile tool in MongoDB’s arsenal, perfectly suited for ensuring data uniqueness within arrays. Through the practical examples illustrated, we’ve seen just how essential $addToSet can be when developing applications that require maintaining unique sets of data. Whether managing tags, handling complex objects, or ensuring user-favorite items remain distinct, $addToSet offers an efficient and effective solution. As with any database operation, understanding its implications on performance and being mindful of its limitations are key to leveraging its full potential.