Understanding char.index() function in NumPy

Updated: March 2, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a fundamental package for numerical computations in Python, offers a variety of functionalities for handling arrays and matrices. Among these, the char.index() function might not be widely known or used since it operates on arrays of strings rather than numerical data. This tutorial aims to shed light on this function, illustrating its utility with progressively complex examples.

Before diving into examples, it’s crucial to understand that char.index() is part of the numpy.char module, which contains a set of vectorized string operations for arrays. The index() function is used to find the lowest index of the substring in each element of the array where the substring is found.

Basic Usage of char.index()

For our starting point, let’s consider a simple example:

import numpy as np

# Creating a NumPy array of strings
data = np.array(['hello', 'world', 'numpy', 'example'])

# Finding the index of 'e' in each element
print(np.char.index(data, 'e'))

This will output:

[1, -1, 1, 2]

The function returns an array of indexes. In cases where the substring (‘e’ in this case) is not found, NumPy returns -1. This initial example demonstrates the function’s basic utility: searching for the presence and position of a substring within string elements of an array.

Handling Substrings

Building upon the basic example, we now explore searching for substrings rather than single characters:

import numpy as np
data = np.array(['hello', 'world', 'welcome to numpy', 'example'])

print(np.char.index(data, 'wo'))

This will result in:

[ -1, 0, 7, -1]

In this instance, the substring ‘wo’ is found at the beginning of ‘world’ (index 0) and within ‘welcome to numpy’ (index 7), showcasing the function’s capability to pinpoint more complex patterns.

Case Sensitivity and Accents

Moving onto more nuanced usage, the char.index() function is case sensitive. Additionally, it differentiates characters with accents from their plain counterparts. To illustrate:

import numpy as np
data = np.array(['café', 'Café', 'CAFÉ', 'example'])

print(np.char.index(data, 'fé'))

The output demonstrates the case and accent sensitivity:

[2, 2, -1, -1]

This example emphasizes the need for precise matching with regard to case and diacritical marks, which could be particularly useful when dealing with data in different languages or encoded in varied formats.

Advanced Usage: Combining with Other Functions

For our final example, let’s leverage other NumPy functionalities to demonstrate a more complex application of char.index():

import numpy as np
data = np.array(['hello world', 'hello numpy', 'example'])

# Convert all strings to uppercase before finding the index
upper_data = np.char.upper(data)
print(np.char.index(upper_data, 'HELLO'))

The output highlights the transformation and subsequent search:

[0,  0, -1]

By first converting the array elements to uppercase, we can then uniformly look for the substring ‘HELLO’ across all elements, demonstrating how char.index() can be effectively combined with other operations for more sophisticated data manipulation tasks.


The numpy.char.index() function is a powerful tool in the NumPy library, enabling us to locate the presence and position of substrings within arrays of strings efficiently. Through the examples provided, from basic to advanced, we’ve seen its potential for applications ranging from simple searches to complex data processing. With a sound understanding of its operation, developers can incorporate this function into their data handling repertoire to further enhance the versatility and efficiency of their Python programs.