Understanding char.split() function in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the realm of data manipulation and scientific computing, NumPy is a cornerstone library that provides Python programmers with a powerful array object, along with an assortment of routines to process those arrays. One lesser-known yet useful function in the NumPy arsenal is numpy.char.split(). This function is part of NumPy’s character string operations and offers a fast vectorized method to split strings. In this tutorial, we will dive deep into the numpy.char.split() function, exploring its syntax, behavior, and providing you with four examples of its application, ranging from basic to advanced usage.


Before proceeding with this tutorial, ensure you have NumPy installed in your Python environment. You can install NumPy using pip:

pip install numpy

Basic familiarity with Python and NumPy arrays will help you follow along more comfortably.

Understanding numpy.char.split()

The numpy.char.split() function is designed to split each element in an array of strings. Its primary syntax is:

numpy.char.split(a, sep=None, maxsplit=-1)

where a is an array-like object containing strings, sep is the delimiter according to which the string is split (default is any whitespace), and maxsplit defines the maximum number of splits (default -1 means no limit).

Example #1 – Basic

Our first example demonstrates splitting a simple array of strings:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['This is a test', 'Another test'])
result = np.char.split(arr)


[list(['This', 'is', 'a', 'test']), list(['Another', 'test'])]

This output shows that the function splits each string into a list of its words, using the default separator (space).

Example #2 – Diving Deeper: Specifying a Separator

In our second example, we will specify a separator to demonstrate how numpy.char.split() can be tailored to split based on specific characters:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['2023/04/01', '2023/08/23'])
result = np.char.split(arr, sep='/')


[list(['2023', '04', '01']), list(['2023', '08', '23'])]

Here, we’ve successfully split the dates into year, month, and day components using ‘/’ as the separator.

Example #3 – Advanced Handling: Using maxsplit

Now let’s see how the maxsplit argument works. By controlling the number of splits, we can extract specific data from each string:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array(['John Doe - CEO', 'Jane Doe - CFO'])
result = np.char.split(arr, sep='-', maxsplit=1)


[list(['John Doe ', ' CEO']), list(['Jane Doe ', ' CFO'])]

This demonstrates that with maxsplit set to 1, the function only splits the string once, dividing the name from the title.

Example #4 – Applying char.split() to Multi-dimensional Arrays

For our final example, let’s apply numpy.char.split() to a two-dimensional array. This illustrates the function’s versatility across array dimensions:

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([['John,CEO', 'Jane,CFO'], ['Mike,CTO', 'Eve,CMO']])
result = np.char.split(arr, sep=',')


[list(['John', 'CEO']) list(['Jane', 'CFO'])]
 [list(['Mike', 'CTO']) list(['Eve', 'CMO'])]]

Here, each string within the 2D array is split into a list of two elements, highlighting the function’s ability to work with arrays of any dimension.


The numpy.char.split() function offers a powerful yet overlooked utility for splitting strings within arrays. From parsing simple text to processing complex, multi-dimensional data structures, its flexibility and vectorized operation make it an invaluable tool in data preprocessing and analysis tasks. As seen in our examples, mastering numpy.char.split() can significantly enhance one’s data manipulation capabilities, showcasing the extensive functionality that NumPy provides to Python programmers.