Understanding Git Reflog: The Ultimate Guide

Updated: January 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Git is a powerful tool for version control, empowering developers to manage changes to their codebase efficiently. One of Git’s less understood features is the reference logs, commonly known as reflog. This guide serves to demystify git reflog and how it can become an indispensable part of your development workflow.

What is Git Reflog?

Git reflog is a mechanism that records updates to the tips of branches and other git references. Every time your repository’s HEAD or branch tips are updated, Git records the new and previous positions of the reference. This log is local to your Git repository and can be a lifesaver for recovering lost commits or exploring the history of a branch.

Exploring The Reflog

git reflog show

The above command displays the reflog for the current branch. Each entry in the reflog includes the commit hash, action taken, and a timestamp.

Why is Git Reflog Important?

Imagine you’ve just performed a dangerous command that rewrote history, like git reset or git rebase, and you realize you’ve lost access to previous commits. Reflog maintains a history of where your HEAD and branch references have pointed, enabling you to restore states that may otherwise seem lost.

Undoing a Reset

git reset --hard HEAD@{1}

This command reverts the repo to the state before the most recent reset.

Navigating The Reflog

Navigating the reflog efficiently requires understanding its syntax and indexing. Entries in the reflog are indexed chronologically, where HEAD@{0} refers to the latest state.

Moving to an Older Commit

git checkout HEAD@{2}

Switches the working directory to the state from two changes ago.

Finding a Lost Commit

git reflog | grep 'lost commit message'

You can search through reflog messages for keywords from a lost commit message.

Best Practices With Git Reflog

While reflog is a powerful feature, it should be used judiciously and understood correctly before incorporating it into your daily workflow. Here are some best practices to follow:

  • Remember that reflog is not a backup. It is subject to pruning and should not replace a well-maintained backup and branch strategy.
  • Reflog is local. Actions taken on one developer’s machine do not affect another’s reflog Thus, you cannot rely on reflog for collaborative incidents, but for local issue resolution.

Pruning The Reflog

Git prunes the reflog based on age and other criteria set in the configuration to manage the repository size. Customizing these configurations allows for more extended or limited reflog maintenance.

git config --global gc.reflogExpire "90 days"

Set the expiration of reflog entries to 90 days, rather than the default 30 or 90 days for unreferenced and reachable commits, respectively.


Git reflog is an incredibly versatile tool that helps developers maintain sanity when things seem to go off the rails. By providing a safety net for what otherwise may seem like irreversible actions, it fosters a powerful undo mechanism, an investigative aide, and a failsafe during collaborative development efforts.

With the understanding and responsible use of git reflog, you can keep your projects on track and your repository in good health. May your commit histories be insightful, and your code be robust.