Understanding the ‘git rev-parse –abbrev-ref HEAD’ command (with examples)

Updated: January 27, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Git is a powerful version control system widely used in software development for tracking changes in source code during software development. One of the useful Git commands is git rev-parse, specifically the --abbrev-ref HEAD option. This command is used to find the name of the current branch in which you’re working. In this tutorial, we’ll delve into what exactly the git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD command does with a variety of examples to demonstrate its usefulness in different scenarios.

Getting Started with the git rev-parse Command

The git rev-parse command is a ‘plumbing’ utility in Git that is used to parse Git object names and references. It provides various options for manipulating the output of Git reference queries, including the --abbrev-ref flag, which shortens refs to their simplest form. Understanding how to use this command effectively is crucial for automating Git operations and peeking under the hood at the inner workings of Git.

Basic Usage of git rev-parse

Let’s start with basic use cases of git rev-parse:

$ git rev-parse HEAD

In this example, simply using git rev-parse HEAD gives you the full SHA-1 hash of the current commit pointed by HEAD. This hash is a 40-character identifier that Git uses to track this particular state in history.

Using –abbrev-ref with HEAD

Now we look at combining it with --abbrev-ref:

$ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

With the --abbrev-ref HEAD option, you only get the branch name rather than the full hash. In this case, it reveals that the current branch is ‘master’.

Advanced Examples of git rev-parse

With the basics out of the way, let’s explore some advanced uses of git rev-parse.

Finding Remote Tracking Branches

If you want to know the corresponding remote tracking branch of your current branch, you can extend the command:

$ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u}

This reveals that the current local branch is tracking ‘origin/master’.

Verifying if Inside a Git Repository

It can also be used to verify if the current directory is within a Git repository:

$ git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree

If inside a Git repository, ‘true’ is returned; otherwise, a fatal error would occur.

Displaying the Root Directory of the Repository

To get the root directory of your Git repository, you may use the following:

$ git rev-parse --show-toplevel

This is particularly useful in scripts when you need to navigate relative paths from the repository root.

Finding the Commit Hash in Different Contexts

Different options can provide the hash in various contexts. Here’s an example to get the commit hash for bestands or tags without dereferencing them:

$ git rev-parse refs/tags/v1.0.0^{}</v1.0.0...a3b09f

This command will output the hash of tagged object without following it even if it’s an annotated tag.

Scripting with git rev-parse

One of the most common applications of git rev-parse is scripting. Below are examples of how this command can be used within scripts for more complex operations.

Checking Out to a Detached State at a Specific Commit

branch_name=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
git checkout $(git rev-parse $branch_name~1)

This script retrieves the current branch name, then checks out to a detached state at the commit just before the latest commit on that branch.

Generating Unique Branch Names for Automation

commit_hash=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
git checkout -b $new_branch

Here, we generate a short unique identifier for the current commit, and then use this to create a new branch name for some automated process, like deployment.

Building Paths Relative to the Git Root Directory

git_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)

This code first gets the root directory of the git repository and then constructs an absolute path to a configuration file relative to the git root. It’s valuable in scripts that might be run from subdirectories within the repository.

Exploring Under the Hood with git rev-parse

Beyond just finding the current branch name, there are options in git rev-parse that provide insights into the inner workings of Git.

Unpacking the HEAD Syntax

$ git rev-parse HEAD^{}
# This syntax is used to get the commit object hash without dereferencing tags.

$ git rev-parse HEAD~1
# Sometimes you are interested in the direct parent commit of the current branch's tip.

These nuances show how Git uses specific syntax to indicate things like an object before dereferencing (the caret) or the parent commit (the tilde followed by a number).


git rev-parse is a versatile command that is particularly useful for scripting and automation within the Git ecosystem. Whether finding out the current branch, verifying repository status, or unpackaging Git internals, understanding how to leverage git rev-parse can greatly enhance your Git proficiency.