Understanding io.whosmat() function in SciPy (3 examples)

Updated: March 7, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Within the realm of scientific computing, the ability to efficiently work with data is paramount. The io.whosmat() function in SciPy bridges this need by providing insights into MATLAB files without loading them into memory.

What is io.whosmat()?

The io.whosmat() function belongs to the SciPy library, a cornerstone for scientific computing in Python. It enables users to examine the contents of MATLAB .mat files, including variables and their corresponding sizes and types, without fully loading them into the Python environment. This functionality is invaluable for managing memory resources effectively and planning data processing tasks.

To utilize io.whosmat(), ensure SciPy is installed:

pip install scipy

Example 1: Basic Usage of io.whosmat()

Let’s start with a basic example to demonstrate how io.whosmat() can be used to explore the contents of a MATLAB file.

from scipy.io import loadmat, whosmat
mat_contents = whosmat('example.mat')

This code snippet reveals the variable names, types, and sizes contained within ‘example.mat’. The output may resemble the following:

[("array1", 'double', (1, 400)), ("array2", 'uint8', (24, 24))]

Example 2: Filtering Specific Data Types

In our next example, we delve deeper, using io.whosmat() to identify specific data types within a .mat file for targeted processing.

mat_contents = whosmat('example.mat')
specific_data_types = [entry for entry in mat_contents if entry[1] == 'double']

This approach filters the contents by data type, isolating those marked as ‘double’. It’s a practical way to streamline processing efforts based on data type criteria.

Example 3: Advanced Scenario – Combining with loadmat()

Moving on to more advanced applications, io.whosmat() can be combined with loadmat() to selectively load only the desired portions of data into memory, optimizing resource utilization.

mat_contents = whosmat('example.mat')
# Identifying a specific variable of interest
target_variable_name = 'array1'

# Loading only that variable
if any(entry[0] == target_variable_name for entry in mat_contents):
    data = loadmat('example.mat', variable_names=[target_variable_name])
    print(f"Loaded {target_variable_name}:", data[target_variable_name])
    print(f"Variable {target_variable_name} not found")

This example illustrates a scenario where specific variables, identified through io.whosmat(), are selectively loaded. It’s a powerful approach for managing large datasets efficiently.

When to Use io.whosmat()

The utility of io.whosmat() is most apparent when dealing with large .mat files or numerous files where memory efficiency is a concern. It’s also beneficial for preliminary file exploration, to understand the structure and contents before deciding on further processing steps.


The io.whosmat() function in SciPy encapsulates an essential utility for those working with MATLAB files in a Python environment. With the examples provided, users can start leveraging this functionality to enhance their data management and processing strategies. Mastering io.whosmat() paves the way for efficient, intelligent decisions about how to interact with complex datasets.