Understanding ndarray.argmin() method in NumPy (3 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The ndarray.argmin() method in NumPy is a powerful tool for finding the indices of minimum values within an array. This function can dramatically simplify the process of data analysis, making it easier to identify key statistics and trends.

Understanding ndarray.argmin()

Before diving into examples, let’s understand what ndarray.argmin() does. This method returns the indices of the minimum values along an axis in an array. If the array is one-dimensional, argmin() will return the index of the single minimum value. For multi-dimensional arrays, you can specify the axis along which to find the minimum values, and argmin() will return the indices of the minima along that axis.

Here’s the basic syntax of ndarray.argmin():

numpy.argmin(a, axis=None, out=None)
  • a: Input array.
  • axis: The axis along which to operate. If None, the array is flattened first.
  • out: Optional. A location into which the result is stored.

Example 1: Finding the Minimum in a One-Dimensional Array

For our first example, we’ll look at the simplest use of ndarray.argmin() with a one-dimensional array:

import numpy as np

# Creating a one-dimensional array
arr = np.array([2, 5, 1, 8, 4])

# Using argmin to find the index of the minimum value
min_index = arr.argmin()

print("Index of minimum value:", min_index)
print("Minimum value:", arr[min_index])


Index of minimum value: 2
Minimum value: 1

Example 2: Multi-dimensional Array

Next, let’s explore how ndarray.argmin() functions with a multi-dimensional array and specifies an axis:

import numpy as np

# Creating a two-dimensional array
arr = np.array([[10, 15, 7], [3, 6, 1], [8, 9, 4]])

# Using argmin to find the index of the minimum value along axis 0
min_indices_axis0 = arr.argmin(axis=0)

# Using argmin to find the index of the minimum value along axis 1
min_indices_axis1 = arr.argmin(axis=1)

print("Indices of minimum values along axis 0:", min_indices_axis0)
print("Indices of minimum values along axis 1:", min_indices_axis1)


Indices of minimum values along axis 0: [1 1 1]
Indices of minimum values along axis 1: [2 2 2]

This example clearly demonstrates how specifying the axis affects the outcome. Along axis 0, we find the indices of the minimum values in each column, and along axis 1, in each row.

Example 3: Advanced Usage with Structured Arrays

Now, let’s look at a more advanced example involving structured arrays. Structured arrays allow you to define arrays with mixed data types and operate on them using standard NumPy methods, including ndarray.argmin().

import numpy as np

# Defining a structured array
person_dtype = np.dtype([('name', 'U10'), ('age', 'i4'), ('height', 'f4')])
people = np.array([('Alice', 31, 160), ('Bob', 25, 175),
                  ('Catherine', 27, 165)], dtype=person_dtype)

# Assuming we want to find the youngest person
min_age_index = people['age'].argmin()

print("Index of the youngest person:", min_age_index)
print("Details of the youngest person:", people[min_age_index])


Index of the youngest person: 1
Details of the youngest person: ('Bob', 25, 175.)

In this advanced example, we used ndarray.argmin() on a structured array to find the index of the youngest person. This technique can be particularly useful when dealing with mixed data types and when specific statistics are required from complex datasets.


The ndarray.argmin() method in NumPy is an incredibly versatile and powerful tool for finding the minimum value indices within an array. Whether you’re working with simple one-dimensional arrays or complex structured data, ndarray.argmin() can streamline your data analysis process. By understanding and applying this method, you can unlock new potential in your data exploration and interpretation efforts.