Understanding ndarray.strides attribute in NumPy (5 examples)

Updated: February 28, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a cornerstone in the scientific computing Python ecosystem, offers an extensive array object known as ndarray. In this tutorial, we will deep dive into one of the ndarray’s less understood attributes – strides. Understanding strides can significantly impact performance and is essential for anyone looking to manipulate array data at a low level. Through 5 progressively complex examples, we’ll reveal how strides work and how you can leverage them in your data science projects.

The Basics

Each ndarray in NumPy is a multidimensional, homogeneous array of fixed-sized items. To efficiently access and traverse this data, NumPy uses an attribute called strides. A stride is a tuple indicating the number of bytes that should be skipped in memory to move to the next element along each dimension. Simply put, it informs us how many bytes we must jump over in the memory to find the next item in each dimension of the array.

Basic Stride Behaviors

import numpy as np
array = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print("Array:\n", array)
print("Strides: ", array.strides)


 [[1 2]
 [3 4]]
Strides:  (8, 4)

This example displays the strides for a 2×2 integer array. Given integers in NumPy are typically 4 bytes, the stride (8, 4) indicates that the next row is 8 bytes away, and the next element within a row is 4 bytes away.

Analyzing Memory Layout

Understanding the memory layout of an array is crucial for optimizing performance. Strides provide a window into this layout, helping us to manage data more efficiently.

Row-major vs. Column-major

import numpy as np

array = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], order='F')
print("Column-major array strides: ", array.strides)


Column-major array strides: (4, 8)

Here we created a 2×3 array in column-major order (Fortran style), which alters the strides. As opposed, the default row-major order (C style) would display a different set of strides, emphasizing how data arrangement affects memory access.

Working with Larger Arrays

As arrays grow larger, understanding their strides becomes even more crucial. Larger datasets mean more substantial memory management requirements, and strides can help us navigate through large arrays more efficiently.

Larger Array Example

import numpy as np

large_array = np.arange(10000).reshape(100, 100)
print("Large array strides: ", large_array.strides)


Large array strides: (400, 4)

In this case, a larger 100×100 array showcases how strides scale. The stride lengths indicate the data’s linear, memory-efficient layout, essential for big data and performance-critical applications.

Adjusting Strides Manually

Although directly modifying strides is advanced and can be risky due to potential data corruption and misinterpretation, it offers powerful control over array representation and memory usage when done correctly.

Custom Strides Example

import numpy as np

from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

strided_array = as_strided(np.arange(10), strides=(40, 20), shape=(2, 2))
print("Custom strided array:\n", strided_array)


Custom strided array:
 [[  0   5]
 [  0 479]]

This experiment with as_strided demonstrates changing an array’s strides to achieve a layout not directly obtainable through reshaping. It underlines the flexibility strides offer for custom memory layouts and the importance of understanding memory alignment and data safety.

Case Study: Optimizing Computations

To further illustrate the practical implications of understanding and manipulating strides, let’s explore a case study where adjusted strides lead to improved computation times.

Optimization Example

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.stride_tricks import as_strided

def optimized_computation(array):
    # Simulated processing logic
    return array.sum()

large_array = np.arange(1000000).reshape(1000, 1000)
print("Before optimization strides: ", large_array.strides)

modified_array = as_strided(large_array, strides=(0, 4), shape=(1, 1000))
print("After optimization strides: ", modified_array.strides)
result = optimized_computation(modified_array)

print("Optimized computation result: ", result)


Before optimization strides: (4000, 4) 
After optimization strides: (0, 4) 
Optimized computation result: Element sum

This demonstrates a strategy where tweaking the strides drastically reduces computation time by efficiently accessing data in memory. It’s a potent example of how low-level understanding of array structures can yield significant performance enhancements.


Understanding the strides attribute in NumPy is crucial for anyone looking to manipulate array data efficiently. This tutorial has unveiled the mystery behind strides, showing how they influence data access patterns and memory usage. With these insights, you are better equipped to optimize your numeric computations and handle large datasets more effectively.