Understanding numpy.logaddexp() function (5 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we delve into the numpy.logaddexp() function, a highly beneficial but occasionally overlooked function within the Numerical Python, or NumPy, library. This function calculates the logarithm of the sum of exponentials of the inputs in a way that is more precise, especially when dealing with small probabilities that can easily underflow in digital computations. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a clear understanding of how and when to use numpy.logaddexp() through a series of progressive examples.


To follow along with this tutorial, ensure you have:

  • A working Python environment
  • The NumPy library installed (you can install it via pip with the command pip install numpy)

Example 1: Basic Usage

Let’s start with the basics. The simplest form of using numpy.logaddexp() is to calculate the log of the addition of two exponentials. This is useful in many fields, especially in data science and statistics.

import numpy as np

# Basic usage
a = 0
b = np.log(2)  # Logarithm of 2
result = np.logaddexp(a, b)

print("Result:", result)


Result: 1.0986122886681096

This demonstrates how numpy.logaddexp() simplifies calculations that would otherwise require more steps and potentially be prone to numerical instability issues.

Example 2: Working with Arrays

NumPy excels in handling arrays, and the numpy.logaddexp() function is no exception. This example illustrates its capability to perform element-wise calculations on arrays.

import numpy as np

# Arrays of values
arr1 = np.array([0, np.log(2), np.log(4)])
arr2 = np.array([np.log(2), np.log(3), np.log(5)])

# Element-wise logaddexp
result_array = np.logaddexp(arr1, arr2)

print("Result array:", result_array)


Result array: [1.09861229 1.60943791 2.19722458]

In this example, the function applies to each corresponding pair of elements from the two arrays, showcasing the flexibility and power of NumPy when working with vectors and matrices.

Example 3: Log-probabilities

One common application of numpy.logaddexp() is in the realm of log-probabilities, where it is used to prevent underflow in probability calculations. This is especially important in machine learning models dealing with highly unlikely events.

import numpy as np

# Log probabilities of events
log_prob_event1 = np.log(0.000001)
log_prob_event2 = np.log(0.000002)

# Safely add log probabilities
log_prob_combined = np.logaddexp(log_prob_event1, log_prob_event2)

print("Combined log-probability:", log_prob_combined)


Combined log-probability: -12.716898269296165

This example emphasizes the function’s importance in numerical stability, ensuring that even when working with minuscule probabilities, the computations remain accurate and meaningful.

Example 4: Broadcasting

The power of NumPy lies not just in processing arrays but also in its ability to broadcast, where smaller arrays are automatically ‘broadcast’ across larger ones. Let’s see how numpy.logaddexp() synergizes with broadcasting.

import numpy as np

# Scalar and array
scalar = np.log(2)
arr = np.array([0, np.log(2), np.log(4)])

# Broadcasting in action
result_broadcasted = np.logaddexp(scalar, arr)

print("Broadcasted result:", result_broadcasted)


Broadcasted result: [1.09861229 1.38629436 1.79175947]

In this scenario, the scalar value is broadcast across the array, performing the operation with each element. This simplifies code and optimizes performance, especially with larger data sets.

Example 5: Custom Functions and np.vectorize

For advanced users, the numpy.logaddexp() function can be combined with np.vectorize to apply a custom operation across arrays or matrices in a more complex manner.

import numpy as np

def custom_operation(a, b):
    # Implementing a custom operation
    return np.logaddexp(a**2, b**2)

# Vectorizing the custom function
vectorized_operation = np.vectorize(custom_operation)

# Applying the vectorized operation
arr1 = np.array([0, 1, 2])
arr2 = np.array([2, 1, 0])
result_custom = vectorized_operation(arr1, arr2)

print("Custom operation result:", result_custom)


Custom operation result: [4.01814993 1.69314718 4.01814993]

This example showcases the combination of numpy.logaddexp() with custom functionality and the flexibility offered by np.vectorize for complex data manipulations.


Through these examples, it’s clear that numpy.logaddexp() is a potent tool for numerical computations, offering precision, flexibility, and enhanced capability for dealing with exponentials and log-probabilities. Its integration with NumPy’s array capabilities makes it invaluable for scientific computing tasks.