Understanding PostgreSQL: GREATEST and LEAST Functions

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to GREATEST and LEAST Functions

In PostgreSQL, the GREATEST and LEAST functions are used to compare two or more values and return the greatest or smallest value among them, respectively. These functions improve the expressiveness of SQL queries and allow for concise conditional value evaluation, especially when you don’t want to use more complex CASE statements.

History and Evolution

PostgreSQL introduced the GREATEST and LEAST functions long before the cutoff of our latest knowledge in 2023. Though the exact version they were added is beyond the scope of current information, these functions have been a feature of SQL and various databases, including PostgreSQL, for many years.


The primary purpose of the GREATEST and LEAST functions is to simplify the process of selecting the highest or lowest value from a list of expressions. This is useful in a variety of scenarios, such as finding the oldest or most recent dates, highest or lowest figures in financial data, or setting bounds in computations.


  • GREATEST(expression1, expression2, ...)
  • LEAST(expression1, expression2, ...)


  • expression1, expression2, …: The expressions or values to be compared. These can be columns, literals, or any valid SQL expression.

Returned Value:

The function returns the highest value in the case of GREATEST and the lowest value for LEAST. If any argument is NULL, the result is also NULL, unless all values are NULL, in which case the result is NULL for LEAST and NULL for GREATEST as well.


Example 1: Comparing Numeric Values

Finding the highest and lowest values among numbers.

In this example, we will use the GREATEST and LEAST functions to compare numeric values to find the maximum and minimum ones.

SELECT GREATEST(1, 5, 3, 8, 7) AS max_value, 
       LEAST(1, 5, 3, 8, 7) AS min_value;

Example 2: Working with Dates

Identify the most recent and earliest dates from a list of dates.

IThis example demonstrates the usage of the GREATEST and LEAST functions with date values to determine the newest and oldest dates within a set.

SELECT GREATEST('2023-01-01', '2023-03-01', '2022-12-25') AS latest_date, 
       LEAST('2023-01-01', '2023-03-01', '2022-12-25') AS earliest_date;

Example 3: Handling NULL Values

Understanding the behavior of GREATEST and LEAST when NULL values are present.

Since both functions return NULL when any of their arguments is NULL, knowing how to use the COALESCE function to provide a default value can be useful.

       LEAST(COALESCE(NULL, 10), 5, 3) AS min_value;


The GREATEST and LEAST functions are essential tools in PostgreSQL for comparative analysis across a range of values. Whether you’re dealing with numbers, dates, or any other comparable data type, these functions provide a straightforward way of finding the maximum and minimum values within a data set. While handling NULL values may require extra caution and potential use of COALESCE, these functions greatly simplify many SQL operations and are an integral part of efficient PostgreSQL queries.