Understanding record arrays in NumPy (with examples)

Updated: February 19, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, offering a powerful n-dimensional array object and tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code. NumPy not only speeds up mathematical computations but also provides an efficient way to store and manipulate data. Among its advanced features, record arrays stand out for their ability to handle compound, heterogeneous data types, much like structures in C or records in Pascal. This tutorial delves into NumPy’s record arrays, presenting six illustrative examples that span from basic to advanced applications.

Creating Record Arrays

To kick things off, let’s start with how to create record arrays. A record array can be created using the numpy.rec.array() function. This function is particularly useful when dealing with data of mixed types.

import numpy as np

data = np.array([(1, 'Alfa', 2.5), (2, 'Bravo', 3.6)], dtype=[('id', 'i4'),('name', 'U10'),('speed', 'f4')])
records = np.rec.array(data)


[(1, 'Alfa', 2.5) (2, 'Bravo', 3.6)]

Accessing Field Names

With record arrays, you can access data by using their field names, much like accessing values in a dictionary. This enhances readability and maintainability of your code.



['Alfa' 'Bravo']
 [1 2]

Modifying Fields

One of the benefits of record arrays is the ability to modify data by fields. This example demonstrates how to change values for a specific field.

records['speed'] = [2.4, 3.7]


[(1, 'Alfa', 2.4) (2, 'Bravo', 3.7)]

Slicing and Dicing Record Arrays

Slicing record arrays retains the structure of the data, unlike structured arrays where slicing could return a different data type. This is crucial for maintaining data integrity.



[(2, 'Bravo', 3.7)]

Joining Record Arrays

Occasionally, you might need to join two record arrays. NumPy provides mechanisms to do this efficiently while preserving the schema of each array.

data2 = np.array([(3, 'Charlie', 4.5)], dtype=records.dtype)
new_records = np.concatenate((records, data2))


[(1, 'Alfa', 2.4) (2, 'Bravo', 3.7) (3, 'Charlie', 4.5)]

Advanced Operations

NumPy’s record arrays support operations that are significantly more complex, such as sorting and applying functions over fields. These operations allow for efficient data manipulation and analysis. Understanding these capabilities can greatly enhance your data processing tasks.



[(1, 'Alfa', 2.4) (2, 'Bravo', 3.7) (3, 'Charlie', 4.5)]


NumPy’s record arrays offer a versatile and efficient means for managing heterogeneous and structured data in Python. From creating and modifying to slicin