Understanding $slice operator in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 4, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The MongoDB database, known for its flexible and powerful querying capabilities, offers a variety of operators for developers to efficiently manage and retrieve data. Among these operators, $slice is a particularly useful tool when working with arrays. This tutorial aims to demystify the use of the $slice operator with clear examples, helping you harness its potential in your MongoDB operations.

What is $slice?

The $slice operator in MongoDB is used to select a subset of an array. It is particularly useful when you have large arrays stored in your documents and you only need to retrieve certain elements, thus optimizing data retrieval and reducing overhead.

Basic Syntax

  field: { $slice: [skip, limit] }

In its simplest form, $slice allows you to specify a skip and a limit.

Using $slice in Queries

Let’s begin our exploration with basic examples to understand how $slice can be effectively used in MongoDB queries.

Example 1: Retrieving the First N Items

db.collection.find({}, { arrayField: { $slice: 3 } })

In this example, we retrieve the first 3 items from arrayField in all documents.

Example 2: Skipping N Items and Retrieving the Following M Items

db.collection.find({}, {
  arrayField: {
    $slice: [-3, 2]

Here, we skip the last 3 items and then retrieve the next 2 items.

Example 3: Using $slice with $elemMatch

    arrayField: {
      $elemMatch: {
        key: value
    arrayField: {
      $slice: 1

This demonstrates using $slice in combination with $elemMatch to retrieve a single item that matches the specified conditions.

Advanced Usages of $slice

Moving beyond basic retrieval, let’s dive into more advanced scenarios where $slice can significantly elevate our querying capabilities.

Dynamic Slicing Based on Document Fields

MongoDB 4.4 introduces the ability to use $slice dynamically by referring to other fields in the document. This level of dynamism opens new doors for data retrieval strategies.

      $set: {
        dynamicSlice: {
          $slice: ["$arrayField", "$startIndex", "$size"]

The above example showcases using $slice within an aggregation pipeline to dynamically select a range of items from arrayField, with the starting index and size determined by other fields in the document.

Combining $slice with Other Operators

$slice is powerful on its own, yet its utility is magnified when combined with other operators. For instance, working in conjunction with $project in aggregation pipelines allows for refined control over the output documents’ shape.

  { $match: { condition: "value" } },
    $project: {
      field: { $slice: ["$arrayField", 2, 3] },
      anotherField: 1

This snippet retrieves documents matching a condition and projects a sliced portion of arrayField alongside anotherField.

Performance Considerations and Best Practices

While $slice is an invaluable tool for working with arrays, it’s essential to use it judiciously to maintain optimal database performance. Here are some tips:

  • Indexing: Ensure your collections have proper indexes that can support your queries, reducing the time it takes to retrieve documents.
  • Projection: Use projection to limit the fields returned by your query, thus minimizing the amount of data transferred and processed.
  • Aggregation Pipeline: When used within the aggregation framework, $slice can be part of a highly optimized query pipeline, especially when it’s the last operation in the pipeline.


The $slice operator offers MongoDB users a flexible and powerful tool for array data retrieval. By understanding and applying the principles covered in this tutorial, developers can significantly enhance their applications’ data handling capabilities. Remember to combine $slice with other MongoDB features and follow best practices for query optimization to maintain a high-performance database environment.