Understanding variable annotations in Python (through examples)

Updated: February 17, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In Python, annotations offer a way to attach metadata to function parameters and return values, as well as to variables themselves. With Python 3.6 and beyond, variable annotations provide developers with a powerful tool for code documentation and type checking, among their many uses. This guide dives into the world of variable annotations in Python through detailed examples and explanations.

What are Variable Annotations?

Variable annotations are a feature in Python that allows you to associate a type hint with a variable declaration. Introduced in PEP 526, this feature aims to bring clarity and reduce ambiguity in code, making it more readable and maintainable.

# Without annotation
my_variable = 123

# With annotation
my_variable: int = 123

As seen above, annotations do not affect the runtime behavior of the code but provide useful metadata for tools and libraries to process.

Benefits of Using Variable Annotations

  • Improved Readability: Code is easier to understand with annotations since they make explicit the intended use of variables.
  • Better Tool Support: Many IDEs and tools leverage annotations to offer better code analysis, auto-completion, and error detection.
  • Facilitates Type Checking: With the help of static type checkers like mypy, you can catch bugs related to incorrect data types early in the development process.

Basic Syntax and Examples

The basic syntax for a variable annotation is as follows:

variable_name: type = value

Let’s look at some practical examples:

name: str = 'John Doe'
age: int = 30
is_student: bool = False

The above code examples make it clear what type of data each variable should hold. Now let’s dive into more elaborated annotations.

Using Annotations with Collections

Python’s typing module provides several classes that help in annotating collections like lists, dictionaries, etc. Examples include List, Dict, Tuple, and more.

from typing import List, Dict, Tuple

names: List[str] = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charlie']
scores: Dict[str, int] = {'math': 90, 'science': 85}
coordinates: Tuple[int, int, int] = (10, 20, 30)

Such annotations clarify that names is a list of strings, scores is a dictionary mapping strings to integers, and coordinates is a tuple of integers.

Advanced Annotations

Python’s annotations are not limited to built-in types. You can also annotate with custom classes and even use more complex type hints like Union, Any, Callable, among others.

from typing import Union, Any, Callable

def add(a: int, b: int) -> int:
    return a + b

result: Callable[[int, int], int] = add
unexpected: Any = 'hello'
choice: Union[int, str] = 42

The result variable is annotated to specify that it references a function taking two integers and returns an integer. unexpected can be of any type while choice could be either an integer or a string.

Static Type Checking with mypy

An essential aspect of variable annotations is their use in static type checks. mypy, a popular static type checker, can validate the correctness of type annotations in your Python code.

# mypy_example.py
age: int = '30'  # This will raise an error when checked with mypy

Running mypy mypy_example.py will output an error indicating a type inconsistency. Such checks are invaluable for maintaining type safety in your codebase.


Variable annotations in Python enhance the clarity, maintainability, and robustness of code. They help developers to document their code intentions clearly and leverage tooling for better code quality. Getting familiar with variable annotations—and type hints in general—is a significant step towards writing more maintainable and less error-prone Python code.

Embrace the power of variable annotations in your next Python project and notice the difference in understanding and debugging efforts. Happy coding!