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Updating App Icons Dynamically with the Badging API in JavaScript

Last updated: December 12, 2024

Introduction to the Badging API

With the increasing need for apps to communicate real-time updates to users, traditional web technologies were limited in providing immediate visual feedback like notification counts. Thankfully, the Badging API addresses this by allowing web apps to display badges on app icons, similar to native applications.

The Badging API is primarily designed for Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) but can be utilized in any environment where the capability to display a badge is available. A badge is a status indicator; a small dot or a count indicating pending notifications or tasks. This article will guide you through integrating the API to update app icons dynamically.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript
  • A supported web browser (most modern browsers have preliminary support)
  • An HTTPS server (PWAs must be served securely)

Understanding the Badging API

The Badging API provides a way to set app badges on different platforms, enhancing user engagement and allowing real-time data representation. This is useful for showing unread messages, notifications count, or any other real-time updates.

Feature Detection

Before proceeding with implementation, it's a good practice to check if the user's browser supports the Badging API:

if ('setAppBadge' in navigator) {
  console.log("Badging API is supported");
} else {
  console.log("Badging API is not supported");

Basic Usage

The navigator.setAppBadge() method is used to set a badge on the app icon. A badge can represent numeric data, such as unread message count. Here’s how you can set a badge with a number:

// Set badge with specific count
navigator.setAppBadge(5).then(() => {
  console.log("Badge set to 5");
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Failed to set badge: ", error);

Setting a badge requires just a call and the count as an argument. It’s essential to handle potential errors, such as permission denials or unsupported platforms:

// Attempt to set a badge
try {
  await navigator.setAppBadge(10);
} catch (error) {
  console.error("Badge not set: ", error);

Removing Badges

To remove the badge, use the navigator.clearAppBadge() method. This is useful for cases where no notifications are pending and the badge needs to be hidden.

// Clear existing badge
navigator.clearAppBadge().then(() => {
  console.log("Badge cleared");
}).catch((error) => {
  console.error("Failed to clear badge: ", error);

Again, since badge setting involves dealing with system-level features, it’s good practice to use promises to catch any runtime errors that might arise.

Use Cases of Badging API

  • Keeping track of shopping cart items in e-commerce PWAs.
  • Displaying pending notifications or unread messages in communication apps.
  • Representing tasks pending completion in task management applications.


The Badging API significantly enhances the web application's immersive experience by allowing it to display dynamic counts akin to native apps. While it is still gaining traction with support across browsers, it exemplifies the browser's evolution in bridging the gap between web and native applications.

Like other modern web capabilities, make sure to test on different platforms and devices. The implementation details highlighted here should provide a solid foundation for integrating dynamic badge updates in your PWA or web app. With continual web platform development, we can anticipate even broader support and more functionality in the years to come.

Next Article: Contextual Notifications: Using the Badging API for Unread Counts

Previous Article: Enhancing User Engagement with the JavaScript Badging API

Series: Web APIs – JavaScript Tutorials


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