Using array session values in Laravel: A developer’s guide

Updated: January 16, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


When developing web applications with Laravel, handling session data efficiently is crucial for creating a dynamic user experience. Sessions in Laravel provide a way to carry data across requests from the same user. A common requirement in many web applications is the storage of array data within session variables—whether it’s for tracking user selections, storing cart items, or caching user-configurable settings.

In this guide, we will take an in-depth look at how to use array session values in Laravel. We will start with the basics then move on to more complex examples like pushing to arrays, removing items and preserving data across subsequent requests.

What Are Sessions?

Before we delve into arrays specifically, let’s quickly overview sessions. A session can be described as a way to preserve certain data across subsequent HTTP requests. Laravel provides various drivers for session management such as file, cookie, database, and even Redis or Memcached. This flexibility allows you to choose the best storage mechanism for your application’s needs.

Starting with Sessions in Laravel

The first step in using sessions is making sure that your Laravel setup is configured to handle sessions adequately. This involves checking your config/session.php file for proper session driver setup.

Here is how you could start a session and add a simple value to it:

// Adding a value to session
request()->session()->put('key', 'value');

To retrieve a value, Laravel provides the session function:

// Retrieving a value from session
$value = session('key');

Storing an Array in a Session

Storing an array in a session is as straightforward as storing any other type. It is a common practice to store cart items in this way. Here’s how to store an array:

// Storing an array in the session
request()->session()->put('user_selections', ['product_1', 'product_2']);

Adding Items to an Array Session Value

Imagine a scenario where you need to persistently add items to a user’s shopping cart stored in the session. You can ‘push’ values to an array session like so:

// Pushing a new item into an existing array session
request()->session()->push('user_selections', 'product_3');

Checking if an Item Exists in an Array Session

You might want to check if a session array has a specific value. You can do it using Laravel’s contains method:

// Checking for an item in an array session
target_item) { return in_array($item, session('user_selections', 'product_3')); });

Advanced Examples

As you get comfortable with manipulating array sessions, you may want to implement more complex features such as filtering out certain items or resetting an array session value without completely destroying the session.

Here is an advanced way to remove an item from an array session:

// Removing an item from the session array
user_selections index where the item == 'product_3'
selections = array_filter(selections);


Throughout this guide, we’ve seen how to perform a range of operations on array sessions in Laravel, enriching our web application with persistent and dynamic features. From basic manipulation to more advanced array operations, Laravel’s session management is both robust and elegant, accommodating complex user interactions with ease.