Using char.capitalize() function in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we’ll explore how to use the char.capitalize() function within the NumPy library. NumPy, a cornerstone library for numerical computations in Python, offers a wide array of functionalities for handling arrays. Amongst its rich toolkit is the char module for performing vectorized string operations on arrays, making it significantly faster for data manipulation over lists of strings.

First, let’s cover some basics.

What does char.capitalize() Do?

The char.capitalize() function is used to capitalize the first character in each element of an array of strings, leaving all other characters unchanged. This operation is particularly useful in data preprocessing, where standardizing text data is crucial.




  • a: array_like of str or unicode. The input array of strings to be capitalized.

Example #1 – Basic

Let’s kick things off with a basic example. We’ll create an array of strings and capitalize the first letter of each string.

import numpy as np

# Creating an array of strings
arr = np.array(["hello world", "numpy is fun", "python programming"])

# Capitalizing first letter of each string
capitalized_arr = np.char.capitalize(arr)



['Hello world' 'Numpy is fun' 'Python programming']

Example #2 – Working with Multidimensional Arrays

NumPy’s char.capitalize() function can handle multidimensional arrays effortlessly. Let’s apply it to a 2D array.

import numpy as np

# 2D array of strings
arr_2d = np.array([["learn numpy", "array operations"], ["data science", "machine learning"]])

# Capitalizing strings in 2D array
capitalized_2d = np.char.capitalize(arr_2d)



[['Learn numpy' 'Array operations']
 ['Data science' 'Machine learning']]

Example #3 – Incorporating with Other String Functions

To further manipulate text data, you can combine char.capitalize() with other NumPy string functions. Here, we merge it with char.lower() to ensure that only the first letter of each string is capitalized, regardless of the original case.

import numpy as np

# Array of mixed case strings
arr_mixed = np.array(["PYTHON", "nuMPy", "Data Science"])

# Lowercasing and then capitalizing
processed_arr = np.char.capitalize(np.char.lower(arr_mixed))



['Python' 'Numpy' 'Data science']

Example #4 – Advanced Usage: Data Cleaning

For our final example, we delve into a more complex scenario involving data cleaning with char.capitalize(). Suppose we’re dealing with a dataset containing names with inconsistent capitalization. Our goal is to standardize the capitalization for analysis.

import numpy as np

# Simulating a dataset of names with inconsistent capitalization
names = np.array(["jOHN dOE", "JANE DOE", "alice Jones"])

# Standardizing capitalization
standardized_names = np.char.capitalize(np.char.lower(names))



['John doe' 'Jane doe' 'Alice jones']


The char.capitalize() function in NumPy offers a powerful yet straightforward technique for manipulating and standardizing strings within arrays. Through our exploration from basic to advanced examples, we’ve observed its utility in both simple and complex data manipulation tasks. By integrating this function into your data preprocessing workflow, you can significantly enhance the consistency and quality of your textual data, paving the way for more reliable analyses.