Using char.isspace() function in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a fundamental package for numerical computing in Python, offers an extensive array of functions for operations on arrays of homogeneous data. Among its functionalities, the char module in NumPy provides a collection of string operations that can be applied element-wise on arrays. One such useful function is char.isspace(), designed to identify spaces in strings stored within NumPy arrays. This tutorial will dive deep into the char.isspace() function, illustrated through four progressively advanced examples.

What is char.isspace() Used for?

The np.char.isspace() function checks each element of an array to determine if all characters in the string are whitespace. Whitespace characters include space (‘ ‘), tab (‘\t’), newline (‘\n’), and similar whitespace characters. The function returns an array of booleans corresponding to each element in the input array.

Example 1: Basic Usage

import numpy as np

# Creating a sample array
arr = np.array(['Hello', ' ', '\t', '\n', 'World!'])

# Applying char.isspace() function
spaces = np.char.isspace(arr)

# Output

This returns:

[False, True, True, True, False]

In this basic example, the function demonstrates its ability to accurately differentiate between strings that contain only whitespace characters and those that do not.

Example 2: Working with 2D Arrays

import numpy as np

# Creating a 2D array
arr2D = np.array([['Hello', 'World'], [' ', '\n'], ['', '    ']])

# Applying char.isspace() to each element
spaces2D = np.char.isspace(arr2D)

# Output

This returns:

[[False, False]
 [True, True]
 [False, True]]

The above results reveal how char.isspace() seamlessly operates across dimensions, providing a boolean matrix that mirrors the structure of the input array.

Example 3: Filtering Space-containing Elements

Building upon the basic uses, we can leverage char.isspace() in conjunction with boolean indexing to filter arrays based on the presence of space characters.

import numpy as np

# Sample array with mixed content
mixedArr = np.array(['New York', 'Los Angeles', ' ', 'Boston'])

# Identifying elements that are spaces
spaceFilter = np.char.isspace(mixedArr)

# Filtering out elements that are spaces
filteredArr = mixedArr[~spaceFilter]

# Output

This returns:

['New York' 'Los Angeles' 'Boston']

Such an approach demonstrates the practical application of combining char.isspace() with array operations to refine data processing workflows.

Example 4: Advanced Text Processing

Expanding on its usage, char.isspace() can be integrated into more complex text processing tasks. Here’s how it could be used to count spaces within elements of a string array, offering insights into text formatting.

import numpy as np

# Sample text array
textArr = np.array(['Hello World!', 'Good  Morning', 'Python\tProgramming'])

# Custom function to count spaces within elements
def count_spaces(arr):
    spaceCounts = np.array([sum(np.char.isspace(s)) for s in arr])
    return spaceCounts

# Applying the function
spaceCounts = count_spaces(textArr)

# Output

This returns:

[1 2 1]

Through such application, char.isspace() proves its versatility in handling sophisticated string manipulation and analysis tasks within NumPy arrays.


The np.char.isspace() function in NumPy is a powerful tool for recognizing whitespace characters within arrays. Through the examples demonstrated, it’s evident that this function can be exploited from basic to advanced data processing tasks, facilitating meticulous text analysis and manipulation with ease.