Using compound and multikey indexes in MongoDB (with examples)

Updated: February 3, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Introduction to Indexing in MongoDB

Indexes in MongoDB are used to improve the efficiency of search operations. Without indexes, a search query would have to scan every document in a collection, significantly impacting performance. Indexes store a small portion of the data in an easy-to-read format, allowing MongoDB to find documents quickly.

Understanding the power of indexing in MongoDB is crucial for optimizing database queries. This tutorial delves into the practical use of compound and multikey indexes, offering insights and examples to enhance your MongoDB operations. We’ll start from the basics before venturing into more complex scenarios.

Compound Indexes

A compound index is an index on multiple fields. You create a compound index when you want to perform queries that involve filtering or sorting on more than one field.

Creating a Compound Index

db.collection.createIndex({field1: 1, field2: -1});

The numbers determine the index’s direction: 1 for ascending order, -1 for descending. This example creates an index on field1 in ascending order and field2 in descending order.

Example: Query Using a Compound Index

  field1: "value1",
  field2: "value2"
  field1: 1

Assume our collection has a compound index as shown above. This query benefits from the index, resulting in faster searches.

Multikey Indexes

Multikey indexes are used with fields that hold an array of values. Under the hood, MongoDB creates separate index entries for each element of the array, making it very efficient to search for documents containing any combination of those elements.

Creating a Multikey Index

db.collection.createIndex({arrayField: 1});

This command creates an index on the arrayField. MongoDB automatically recognizes that arrayField is an array and treats this as a multikey index.

Example: Query Using a Multikey Index

db.collection.find({arrayField: "value1"});

This query finds documents where the arrayField contains “value1”. The multikey index allows MongoDB to efficiently locate these documents.

Combining Compound and Multikey Indexes

It’s possible to combine both indexing techniques for more complex queries. This is especially useful when your application needs to filter and sort data on multiple fields, some of which may contain arrays.

Creating a Combined Compound and Multikey Index

db.collection.createIndex({field1: 1, arrayField: 1});

This index supports queries filtering by field1 and any element within arrayField.

Example: Querying with a Combined Index

  field1: "valueP",
  arrayField: "valueQ"
  field1: 1

This query benefits from our combined index, showcasing an efficient way to locate and sort documents.

Advanced Scenarios

As your comfort level with these indexing strategies increases, you can explore more complex uses, such as indexing embedded documents, handling sparse data, or optimizing for read-heavy versus write-heavy loads.

Performance Considerations

While indexes dramatically improve query performance, they also require additional storage and can affect insert and update operations. Regular monitoring and optimization of your indexes are recommended to ensure they continue to meet your application’s needs.


Effectively using compound and multikey indexes in MongoDB can significantly enhance your application’s performance. By carefully designing your indexes to match your most common query patterns, you can achieve faster query responses and more efficient data access. As always, testing and tuning your indexes based on actual usage patterns will ensure they provide the best possible performance.