Using cursor-based pagination in Laravel + Eloquent

Updated: February 24, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment

Pagination is an essential part of any application that deals with large datasets. It optimizes the performance of your app by loading a small chunk of data at a time. While traditional offset-based pagination is commonly used, cursor-based pagination is increasingly gaining traction for its efficiency, especially in real-time applications. This tutorial will guide you through implementing cursor-based pagination in Laravel using Eloquent. We’ll start from the basics and move on to more advanced topics, offering practical examples along the way.

Understanding Cursor-Based Pagination

Unlike offset-based pagination, where pages are defined by a number and the amount of data per page, cursor-based pagination works by keeping track of the position of the last item on the current page and retrieving the next set of items based on this position. It’s particularly advantageous for datasets that change frequently, as it avoids duplicates and missing items as data changes.

Setting Up Your Laravel Project

First, ensure you have Laravel installed on your machine. You can install Laravel by following the official documentation. Once Laravel is set up, create a new model and migration for your data. For this tutorial, we will assume you are working with a blog post model.

php artisan make:model Post -m

Run the migration to create the table in your database after editing the migration file with the necessary fields.

php artisan migrate

Basic Cursor Pagination

Let’s begin with a simple example of cursor pagination. In your Post model, assume we have a timestamp field named published_at. We can use this field to order our posts. The simplest form of cursor-based pagination can be implemented as follows:

$posts = Post::orderBy('published_at', 'desc')->cursorPaginate(10);
return view('posts.index', compact('posts'));

This will retrieve the first 10 posts ordered by their published_at date. Laravel’s cursorPaginate method automatically handles the positioning for you.

Custom Cursor Fields

In some cases, you might want to paginate based on a column other than id or the model’s primary key. Laravel allows you to specify custom cursor columns:

$posts = Post::orderBy('title')->cursorPaginate(10, ['*'], 'cursor', 'title');

This code snippet orders posts by their title and paginates them using the title field as a cursor.

Handling Cursor Queries

When implementing cursor-based pagination, it’s crucial to manage the query parameters that Laravel uses to keep track of the cursor position. These parameters are after and before, which are added to the URL. You can access and manipulate these through the request object in Laravel:

$currentCursor = $request->input('cursor');
$posts = Post::cursorPaginate(10)->withQueryString();

This ensures that your pagination links keep the cursor position in the query string, maintaining the correct pagination state across page navigations.

Advanced Cursor Pagination

For more complex datasets that require advanced query handling, you might need to customize your pagination queries further. For example, you could only retrieve posts that are visible to the current user:

$posts = Post::where('visible', true)
    ->orderBy('published_at', 'desc')
return view('posts.index', compact('posts'));


Cursor-based pagination in Laravel with Eloquent offers a more efficient way to handle large, frequently changing datasets. It ensures that users do not see duplicates or miss out on new entries as they navigate through pages. By following the steps and examples provided in this tutorial, you should be well-equipped to implement cursor-based pagination in your Laravel applications.