Using ‘declare’ construct in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding the ‘declare’ construct in PHP may not be the start of every PHP developer’s journey, but its knowledge certainly separates the novices from the experts. The ‘declare’ keyword allows for setting certain behaviors that can affect the script’s execution. This primer will introduce you to this powerful feature, complete with pragmatic examples spanning from the foundational syntax to sophisticated use cases.

What is the ‘declare’ Construct?

The ‘declare’ construct is used to set an execution directive for a block of code in PHP. It’s not a function or a traditional control structure like ‘if’ or ‘while’. Instead, it provides a way to customize the behavior of PHP in areas such as precision for floating points or handling of encoding from the very onset of the script.

declare (directive)

This is the basic syntax where the ‘directive’ can be things like ‘ticks’, ‘encoding’, or ‘strict_types’. Let’s break these down with simple examples for better understanding.

Basic Usage of ‘declare’

Let’s start with the simplest example: ‘ticks’. A tick is an event that occurs after a specified number of low-level operations in the PHP engine. With ‘declare’, one can run a function each time a tick event occurs.

declare (ticks=1);

register_tick_function(function() {
    echo "Tick emitted.";

for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
    // Code that generates ticks.

In this example, we’re setting the system to generate a tick event for every low-level operation. Note however, that excessive use of ticks can impact performance since such a function can be called very frequently.

Handling Precision

Consider a scenario where we’re dealing with large floating point numbers and need high precision. PHP provides the ‘precision’ directive in a ‘declare’ block.

declare (precision=14);

echo 0.333 + 0.666;

By setting the precision directive, our result will follow the specified level of numerical exactness.

String Encoding

‘declare’ can also define script encoding which stipulates the character set in which the script is encoded. This can help with compatibility across different platforms and locales.


// A UTF-8 encoded script here

Now onto a more advanced, yet incredibly powerful directive: ‘strict_types’. This affects how PHP will handle type checking.

Enforcing Strict Types

In PHP, variable types are usually converted automatically if necessary (this behavior is termed “type juggling”). However, in some cases, this can lead to unexpected results or bugs. For stricter type checking, PHP 7 introduced the ‘strict_types’ directive which affects argument type declarations and return type declarations.


function sum(int $a, int $b): int {
    return $a + $b;

echo sum(2, '3'); // This will raise an error in strict mode

Enabling ‘strict_types’ explicitly converts the developer’s intent: types must be adhered to more rigidly.

Scoping of ‘declare’

A ‘declare’ block only affects the code block it encapsulates if you are using the curly braces, otherwise it applies to the rest of the file (or until another ‘declare’ block).

// This affects the whole file outside curly braces

// This affects only the enclosed block
declare(strict_types=1) {
    // PHP code here

Conditional Declarations

You can even use ‘declare’ with conditionals, providing much flexibility in how you might want to enforce certain directives.

if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000) {

In this example, ‘strict_types’ is only enabled if the PHP version is 7.0.0 or greater, showing how ‘declare’ can be strategically used.

Gotchas and Considerations

One thing to remember: The ‘strict_types’ directive works on a per-file basis and it is not influenced by runtime conditions. It must be the very first declaration in a file, or it will result in a fatal error.

Nesting ‘declare’ Statements

You can nest ‘declare’ statements to a certain depth, controlling different aspects of various code segments within the same script. Imagine adjusting tick frequency, precision level, and enforcing strict types in different sections of your PHP code for pinpoint control.

declare(strict_types=1) {
    // This code is under strict type checking

    declare(ticks=1) {
        // This code will also emit ticks after every statement


In summary, the ‘declare’ construct is a significant, though sometimes underused, component of PHP that grants developers a considerable degree of control over how their scripts behave. It can be implemented in various levels of complexity depending on the particular requirements of the project. With the flexibility it provides in areas like type handling and resource management, ‘declare’ is a tool that, when wielded with know-how, can contribute greatly to the robustness and reliability of a PHP application.