Using io.loadmat() function in SciPy (4 examples)

Updated: March 7, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


SciPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, offers a plethora of functionalities for mathematicians, scientists, and engineers alike. One of the lesser-known yet powerful features it provides is the io.loadmat() function. This function is a part of the module and is primarily used for reading MAT-files, which are MATLAB style binary files. In this tutorial, we will delve into the functionality of the io.loadmat() function through four progressively complex examples.

Getting Started

Before diving into the examples, ensure you have the necessary environment set up. You should have Python and SciPy installed on your machine. If not, you can install SciPy using pip:

pip install scipy

Example 1: Basic Usage of io.loadmat()

For our first example, let’s consider a simple scenario where we want to load a MAT-file named data.mat. This file contains several variables, including arrays, strings, and numbers.

from import loadmat

# Load the MAT-file
# Replace with your own file path
data = loadmat('data.mat')

# Display loaded data

This code will load the data from data.mat and display its contents. The output will be a dictionary where the keys are the variable names stored in the MAT-file.

Example 2: Accessing Specific Variables

Often, you might not be interested in all the variables stored within a MAT-file. Let’s focus on accessing only specific variables. Assume we are only interested in the variables A and B from our data.mat file.

data = loadmat('data.mat', variable_names=['A', 'B'])

# Access and print variables A and B
print(f"A: {data['A']}")
print(f"B: {data['B']}")

By specifying the variable_names parameter, the loadmat() function only loads the specified variables, making the process more efficient, especially for MAT-files with numerous variables.

Example 3: Handling Structured Arrays

In this example, we delve into a more complex scenario where our MAT-file contains structured arrays. Structured arrays are akin to databases in that they allow for arrays comprised of compound, heterogeneous data types. Here’s how you can access elements within a structured array.

data = loadmat('complex_data.mat')
struct_data = data['structured_array']

# Accessing an element

This will print the data associated with field_name in the structured array. It’s important to note that indexing in structured arrays is different, requiring a doubly-indexed approach.

Example 4: Working with Nested Structures

Our final example addresses handling files with nested structures, which is a common occurrence in datasets prepared in MATLAB. Demonstrating this requires navigating through multiple layers of structured arrays. This example assumes a nested structure named nested_struct within the MAT-file.

data = loadmat('nested_data.mat')
nested_struct = data['nested_struct']

# Accessing nested elements
for i in range(nested_struct.shape[1]):
    inner_struct = nested_struct[0,i]

This code iterates through each element of the nested_struct and prints out the data stored in inner_field. Traversing nested structures in this way is crucial for extracting specific subsets of data within complex MAT-files.


In summary, SciPy’s io.loadmat() function is a versatile tool for interacting with MATLAB MAT-files in Python. From basic file loading to navigating complex, nested structures, understanding how to use this function efficiently can greatly enhance your data wrangling capabilities in scientific computing. Hopefully, these examples have illuminated the path for your own explorations and use cases.