Using JSON_REPLACE() Function in MySQL 8

Updated: January 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In modern web development, JSON has become the de facto standard format for data interchange, largely due to its ease of use and compatibility across different programming languages and systems. With the growing adoption of JSON, databases like MySQL have also introduced robust support for JSON data types and associated functions. Among these functions is JSON_REPLACE(), an essential tool in MySQL for modifying JSON documents without disturbing the overall structure.

This tutorial will guide you through the use of the JSON_REPLACE() function with practical examples ranging from the basic syntax to more advanced use cases. By the end of this tutorial, you should feel comfortable applying JSON_REPLACE() in your MySQL operations.

Understanding JSON_REPLACE()

The JSON_REPLACE() function in MySQL is used to replace existing values in a JSON document. It takes the JSON document as its first argument, followed by one or more pairs of path/value arguments. The path argument specifies the location within the JSON document where the replacement should occur, while the value argument provides the new value.


JSON_REPLACE(json_doc, path, val[, path, val] ...)

If the specified path does not exist or does not address a value, JSON_REPLACE() will not add a new value but rather return the original JSON document unmodified. It differs from JSON_SET(), which will add the value if the path does not exist.

Basic Example

Let’s begin with the simplest form of JSON_REPLACE() usage by replacing a scalar value within a JSON object.

SET @json = '{"name":"John", "age":30}';
SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@json, '$.age', 35);

The output of the above code will be:

{"name":"John", "age":35}

Here we replaced the age of the person from 30 to 35 without altering the rest of the JSON document.

Replacing Values in an Array

With JSON_REPLACE(), you can also replace elements within a JSON array by specifying the array index in the path.

SET @json_array = '["red", "green", "blue"]';
SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@json_array, '$[1]', 'yellow');

And the output will be:

["red", "yellow", "blue"]

This changed the second element of the array from “green” to “yellow”.

Replacing Nested Values

For nested JSON objects, JSON_REPLACE() can be applied by specifying the nested path accurately.

SET @json_nested = '{"student":{"name":"Alice", "grade":"B"}}';
SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@json_nested, '$.student.grade', 'A');

Now, the JSON will reflect Alice’s improved grade:

{"student":{"name":"Alice", "grade":"A"}}

Paths can be as complex as required, allowing replacements at any depth within the JSON structure.

Replacing Multiple Values

JSON_REPLACE() allows for the replacement of multiple values within a single call. Here’s an example modifying both the height and weight of an individual at the same time:

SET @json_details = '{"height": 170, "weight": 65}'
SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@json_details, '$.height', 175, '$.weight', 70);

The resulting JSON document will show the updated height and weight:

{"height": 175, "weight": 70}

Note how each pair of path and value is separated by a comma.

Handling Special Characters

When dealing with keys or values that include special characters or spaces, you must take care to correctly identify the path using quotes and escape sequences:

SET @json_special = '{"a.b":"value", "c d":"another"}'
SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@json_special, '$."a.b"', 'new_value', '$."c d"', 'value2');

This results in:

{"a.b":"new_value", "c d":"value2"}

Special characters in keys and spaces are managed with double quotes and escape characters for a successful path interpretation.

Advanced Usage: Combining with Other Functions

JSON_REPLACE() can also be combined with other MySQL JSON functions to perform more complex operations. The following example demonstrates the use of JSON_REPLACE() alongside JSON_EXTRACT() to replace a nested value based on its current value:

SET @json_combo = '{"stats":{"wins":3, "losses":5}}';
SET @current_wins = JSON_EXTRACT(@json_combo, '$.stats.wins');
SELECT JSON_REPLACE(@json_combo, '$.stats.wins', @current_wins + 1);

This will increment the win count by 1, resulting in:

{"stats":{"wins":4, "losses":5}}

Here, JSON_EXTRACT() first retrieves the current value of wins, after which JSON_REPLACE() utilizes this value to update it.


In this guide, we’ve explored various facets of using the JSON_REPLACE() function in MySQL 8, with use cases ranging from simple replacements to more intricate modifications involving nested objects and arrays. The ability to manipulate JSON directly in the data layer with MySQL is a powerful feature that can greatly streamline your data handling processes.