Using LEFT and RIGHT String Functions in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The LEFT and RIGHT functions in PostgreSQL are part of a suite of string functions that programmers can use to manipulate strings in PostgreSQL databases. They allow developers to extract substrings from a field by specifying the number of characters to retrieve starting from the left or right of the string respectively. These functions are incredibly useful in data transformation, cleaning, and preparation tasks.

History and Purpose

The LEFT and RIGHT functions have been part of PostgreSQL and several other SQL databases for many years. As part of SQL’s standard string functions, they have been immensely helpful in string manipulation when querying relational databases. Their primary purpose is to simplify the extraction of specific parts of a string based on position, making it easier to analyze or transform data directly within database queries.

Syntax, Parameters, and Return Value

The basic syntax for the LEFT and RIGHT functions in PostgreSQL is as follows:

LEFT(string, number_of_characters)
RIGHT(string, number_of_characters)


  • string: The text string whose leftmost or rightmost characters you want to extract. This can be a field name or a literal string.
  • number_of_characters: This is a positive integer that dictates how many characters from the start (left) or end (right) of the text string will be extracted.

The return value is a substring of the input text string, containing the specified number of leftmost or rightmost characters.

Code Examples

Example 1: Extracting a Substring from a User’s Full Name

Assuming you have a table with a column ‘full_name’, we will use the LEFT function to extract the user’s first name assuming the first name is always the first five characters.

-- Code snippet: Extracting first name
SELECT LEFT(full_name, 5) AS first_name
FROM users;

Example 2: Retrieving File Extensions

In a table containing a list of file paths, you can use the RIGHT function to get the file extension assuming a 3-character extension following a dot.

-- Code snippet: Retrieving file extensions
SELECT RIGHT(file_path, 3) AS file_extension
FROM files;

Example 3: Formatting Phone Numbers

Consider a scenario where phone numbers are stored with country codes and you only need the last 10 digits.

-- Code snippet: Formatting phone numbers
SELECT RIGHT(phone_number, 10) AS local_number
FROM contacts;

Example 4: Creating Usernames

Summary: When creating a username from the user’s email address, we can use the LEFT function up to the ‘@’ character.

-- Code snippet: Creating usernames
SELECT LEFT(email, POSITION('@' IN email) - 1) AS username
FROM accounts;


In conclusion, LEFT and RIGHT functions in PostgreSQL are simple yet powerful tools for string manipulation directly within SQL queries. They are particularly useful for parsing structured text data, enabling data analysts and developers to extract relevant information from a larger string. These functions enhance SQL’s versatility for data processing and play a crucial role in day-to-day database operations.