Using Loops in MySQL: A Practical Guide (with Examples)

Updated: January 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Loops are fundamental to programming, enabling tasks to be repeated efficiently with minimal code. While primarily associated with high-level languages, loops also have their place in structured query language (SQL). In databases like MySQL, loops can aid in automating repetitive tasks for data management and manipulation. This guide explores how to use loops in MySQL, specifically utilizing the procedural language that comes with MySQL’s support for stored routines.

Understanding Loop Constructs in MySQL

MySQL supports three kinds of loops: the LOOP, REPEAT, and WHILE loops, each serving different use cases.
LOOP– A basic loop that continues execution until a LEAVE statement is encountered.

REPEAT– Executes the statements repeatedly until a specified condition becomes true; in many ways, it is similar to a ‘do-while’ loop in other programming languages.

WHILE– Continues to execute as long as a specified condition evaluates to true.

Using Simple LOOP Statements

A simple LOOP construct in MySQL doesn’t naturally test for a condition to exit. It’s usually coupled with an IF statement that includes a LEAVE command to indicate exit. After creating a basic stored procedure, a LOOP statement executes till the condition is met and the loop explicitly exits.


  DECLARE v_counter INT DEFAULT 0;

  simple_loop: LOOP
    SET v_counter = v_counter + 1;
    -- Output some results or do some work
    IF v_counter >= 10 THEN
      LEAVE simple_loop;
    END IF;
    -- Other processing code can go here
  END LOOP simple_loop;


Implementing REPEAT Loops

The REPEAT loop executes until the provided condition is true. The following stored procedure demonstrates how this works.


  DECLARE v_counter INT DEFAULT 0;

    SET v_counter = v_counter + 1;
    -- Sample workload
  UNTIL v_counter > 10


Utilizing WHILE Loops

The WHILE loop executes as long as a condition holds true. This is how we can use a WHILE loop in a stored procedure:


  DECLARE v_counter INT DEFAULT 0;

  WHILE v_counter < 10 DO
    SET v_counter = v_counter + 1;
    -- Perform tasks


Nested Loops and Exiting Strategies

Loops can be nested within other loops to perform complex tasks. It’s pertinent to clearly define exit strategies to prevent infinite loops. Use labels for nested loops and LEAVE statements to specify which loop to exit.

Example: MySQL Stored Procedure with Nested Loops


CREATE PROCEDURE NestedLoopsExample()
    DECLARE outer_counter INT DEFAULT 0;
    DECLARE inner_counter INT;

    outer_loop: LOOP
        SET outer_counter = outer_counter + 1;
        SET inner_counter = 0;

        IF outer_counter > 5 THEN
            LEAVE outer_loop;
        END IF;

        inner_loop: LOOP
            SET inner_counter = inner_counter + 1;

            IF inner_counter > 3 THEN
                LEAVE inner_loop;
            END IF;

            -- Your inner loop logic goes here
            SELECT CONCAT('Outer Counter: ', outer_counter, ', Inner Counter: ', inner_counter);
        END LOOP inner_loop;

        -- Your outer loop logic goes here
    END LOOP outer_loop;
END //



  • Procedure Declaration: CREATE PROCEDURE NestedLoopsExample() starts the definition of a new stored procedure.
  • Variable Initialization: DECLARE statements initialize the loop counters.
  • Outer Loop: The outer_loop label is defined. The loop increments outer_counter each iteration.
  • Exit Condition for Outer Loop: An IF statement checks if outer_counter exceeds 5. If it does, the LEAVE statement exits the outer loop.
  • Inner Loop: Inside the outer loop, the inner_loop label is defined. This loop increments inner_counter each iteration.
  • Exit Condition for Inner Loop: An IF statement checks if inner_counter exceeds 3. If it does, the LEAVE statement exits the inner loop.
  • Loop Logic: Place your specific loop logic where indicated by the comments.
  • Calling the Procedure: After creating this procedure, you can call it using CALL NestedLoopsExample();.

Best Practices and Performance Considerations

Although using loops in MySQL can provide powerful means to process data, it’s essential to remember that excessive looping can impact performance, mainly when dealing with large datasets. Always seek to minimize loop execution time and optimize conditions to prevent unnecessary iterations.

In closing, effectively utilizing loops in MySQL’s stored procedures can greatly augment your data processing capabilities. A working knowledge of how these flow-control constructs operate paves the way for writing complex, robust, and efficient database routines. Remember to test your stored procedures thoroughly to ensure they handle data correctly across different scenarios and maintain efficiency.


In summary, utilizing loops within MySQL involves recognizing the appropriate scenarios for their application, familiarizing oneself with the three loop constructs available, and adhering to best practices to maintain the balance between functionality and performance. While this just scratches the surface of what’s possible with loops and stored routines in MySQL, it lays the foundation for developing more advanced database operations. With the insights and examples provided, you’re now better equipped to dive deeper into MySQL’s looping paradigms to automate and streamline your database tasks.