Using ndarray.tofile() method in NumPy (with examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy’s ndarray.tofile() method enables efficient and direct saving of array data to disk. This capability is crucial for data persistence, enabling the handling and sharing of large datasets within scientific and industrial domains. In the subsequent examples, we will explore how this method can be leveraged in various contexts.

Basic Usage of ndarray.tofile()

At its simplest, ndarray.tofile() can be used to write the contents of a NumPy array to a binary file. Here is how:

import numpy as np
arr = np.arange(10)

In this example, we create an array containing integers from 0 to 9 using np.arange(). By calling arr.tofile('array.bin'), we save this array to a binary file named array.bin. Since no format is specified, the default behavior is to save the array in a binary format.

Saving with Specified Format

The ndarray.tofile() method also allows specifying the format of the saved data. This is especially useful when you need the data to be in a specific form for later use, such as within another programming environment or when specific precision is necessary.

arr = np.array([1.5, 2.5, 3.5])
arr.tofile('floats.bin', sep='', format='%f')

Here, we have an array of floating-point numbers. By specifying the format='%f' parameter, we instruct ndarray.tofile() to write the array to floats.bin as text, with each element represented in floating-point format. The sep='' parameter is used to indicate that no separator is needed between array elements in the output file.

Combining With NumPy’s fromfile() Method

A practical approach to using ndarray.tofile() involves not only writing to files but also reading back the data using NumPy’s fromfile() method. This combination is particularly useful for efficient storage and retrieval of large datasets.

double_arr = np.fromfile('array_doubles.bin', dtype=np.float64)

This example demonstrates saving an array and then reading it back as a different data type. Initially, we save the array without specifying the format, resulting in a binary file. Then, using fromfile(), we load the file content back into a NumPy array, this time specifying a floating-point data type (dtype=np.float64), effectively casting our integers to doubles during loading.

When Not to Use ndarray.tofile()

Despite its utility, ndarray.tofile() is not without limitations. It is important to note that the method does not preserve information about the array’s shape or data type, which can lead to issues when reading the data back unless you have this information available or stored separately. In many cases, using NumPy’s save() and load() functions, which store additional metadata including the array shape and dtype, may be a more robust solution for persisting array data.

Advanced Usage

An advanced application of ndarray.tofile() involves working with large data streamed from sensors or continuous processes. In such cases, efficiently writing data directly to disk without introducing significant memory overhead can be crucial.

import numpy as np
import os

# Simulate streaming data
for i in range(100):
    arr = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
    with open('data_stream.bin', 'ab') as f:

In this scenario, we simulate a data stream by continuously generating large arrays of random numbers and appending them to a binary file. By opening the file in append mode ('ab') and using ndarray.tofile() within the loop, we can efficiently manage resources and ensure that the data is written seamlessly without needing to load the entire dataset into memory.


The ndarray.tofile() method is a powerful tool in the NumPy arsenal for direct binary serialization of array data. Through the examples provided, we’ve seen how it can be applied in various scenarios from simple data dumping to advanced data streaming applications. However, it’s also important to be aware of its limitations, particularly in terms of not preserving array metadata. For many users, the combination of simplicity and speed will make ndarray.tofile() an invaluable method, especially when working with large datasets that need to be saved and retrieved efficiently.