Using np.lcm() function in NumPy (4 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a cornerstone library in the Python ecosystem for numerical computations, offers a plethora of functions designed to perform array-based operations with efficiency and ease. Among its vast feature set, np.lcm() stands out as a remarkably useful function for finding the Least Common Multiple (LCM) of array elements. This tutorial will journey through the utilization of the np.lcm() function across four distinct examples, progressing from basic applications to more advanced use cases.

The Fundamentals


numpy.lcm(x1, x2, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])

Parameters explained:

  • x1, x2: Input values to find the LCM for. These can be scalars or arrays. If both are arrays, they should be broadcastable to the same shape.
  • out: Optional. A location where the result is stored. If provided, it should have a shape that the inputs broadcast to.
  • where: Optional. A condition that selects which elements to calculate. If True, the operation is performed. If False, the element is skipped.
  • casting, order, dtype, subok, signature, extobj: These are advanced options for controlling the behavior of the operation, like how to treat input and output types, memory layout, etc.

Now, it’s time to write some code.

Example 1: Basic LCM Calculation

Let’s kick things off with a simple example – calculating the LCM of two numbers.

import numpy as np

a = 6
b = 8

result = np.lcm(a, b)
print("LCM of", a, "and", b, "is:", result)


LCM of 6 and 8 is: 24

Example 2: LCM of Array Elements

Moving on to a slightly more complex scenario, we’ll compute the LCM of all elements in an array. NumPy makes this operation straightforward with np.lcm.reduce().

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([4, 5, 6])
result = np.lcm.reduce(arr)
print("LCM of the array is:", result)


LCM of the array is: 60

Example 3: LCM of Multi-dimensional Arrays

This example demonstrates how to handle multi-dimensional arrays. We’ll calculate the LCM for each dimension independently.

import numpy as np

arr = np.array([[6, 15], [9, 18]])
result = np.lcm.reduce(arr, axis=1)
print("LCM per row:", result)


LCM per row: [30, 18]

Example 4: Pairwise LCM in Arrays

For our final example, we’ll explore calculating the LCM for each pairwise combination within two arrays. This is especially useful in complex mathematical or application-specific problems.

import numpy as np

arr1 = np.array([3, 5, 7])
arr2 = np.array([2, 3, 5])
result = np.lcm(arr1, arr2)
print("Pairwise LCM:", result)


Pairwise LCM: [6, 15, 35]


Through these examples, you’ve seen the versatility and power of the np.lcm() function in NumPy, from basic two-number calculations to more intricate scenarios involving multi-dimensional and paired arrays. The function’s ability to efficiently process arrays and perform complex mathematical operations underscores NumPy’s critical role in scientific computing and data analysis projects.