Using numpy.divide() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In the world of scientific computing and data analysis with Python, NumPy stands out for its extensive functionality that allows for efficient operations on arrays and matrices. One such function, numpy.divide(), is a powerful tool for element-wise division of array elements. This guide provides a comprehensive overview of numpy.divide(), showcased through four progressive examples, demonstrating its versatility in various applications.

Getting Started with numpy.divide()

Before diving into the examples, let’s understand what numpy.divide() does. Essentially, it divides each element of the first array by the corresponding element of the second array. If the shape of the arrays differs, numpy attempts to broadcast them to a common shape before performing the operation.

import numpy as np

# Basic example
A = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40])
B = np.array([2, 4, 5, 8])

result = np.divide(A, B)


 [ 5. 5. 6. 5.]

Handling Division by Zero

One common issue in numerical computations is division by zero. With numpy.divide(), you can gracefully handle this problem using the where parameter to specify conditions or the out parameter to supply a default value.

import numpy as np

# Example with condition
A = np.array([10, 0, 30, 0])
B = np.array([2, 0, 5, 0])

# Avoid division by zero using where
result = np.divide(A, B, where=B!=0)


[5. inf 6. NaN]

Notice that where division by zero occurred, NumPy returned inf or NaN, depending on the context.

Broadcasting in Division

Broadcasting rules allow numpy operations to work with arrays of different shapes, which is especially useful in matrix operations or when scaling arrays. Below is an example where we divide a matrix by a vector.

import numpy as np

M = np.array([[10, 20, 30],
              [40, 50, 60],
              [70, 80, 90]])
V = np.array([2, 4, 6])

# Broadcasting the division
result = np.divide(M, V)


[[ 5. 5. 5.] [20. 12.5 10.] [35. 20. 15.]]

Complex Numbers and np.divide()

NumPy’s ability to handle complex numbers seamlessly is another aspect that makes it an essential tool. Here, we’ll demonstrate using numpy.divide() with complex numbers.

import numpy as np

C = np.array([1+2j, 3+4j])
D = np.array([1-2j, 3-4j])

# Division involving complex numbers
result = np.divide(C, D)


[-0.2+0.6j 0. +1.j ]


The numpy.divide() function demonstrates numpy’s flexibility and power in handling a wide range of numerical computations, from basic arithmetic to complex number handling, alongside robust broadcasting capabilities for array operations. As shown through these examples, understanding how to effectively leverage numpy.divide() can significantly enhance one’s data analysis and scientific computing tasks in Python.