Using numpy.frexp() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 26, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Numpy offers a myriad of numerical operations convenient for both basic and complex numerical tasks in Python. Among its utility functions, numpy.frexp() stands out for its ability to decompose numbers into their mantissas and exponents, reflecting a fundamental aspect of computer representation of numbers. Understanding and utilizing numpy.frexp() could be essential for Machine Learning, Scientific Computing, and other domains requiring precision and performance in numerical computation. This tutorial guides you through the use of numpy.frexp() function with four practical examples, gradually escalating from fundamental concepts to more sophisticated applications.

Basic Use of numpy.frexp()

The numpy.frexp() function is used to break down floating point numbers into their mantissa and exponent in the form of m * 2**e. Here is a basic example:

import numpy as np

number = 8.0
mantissa, exponent = np.frexp(number)
print('Mantissa:', mantissa, '\nExponent:', exponent)


Mantissa: 0.5 
Exponent: 4

This shows that 8.0 can be represented as 0.5 * 2**4. This basic example serves as an introduction to the function’s output form.

Handling Arrays

In addition to handling single numbers, numpy.frexp() can also process numpy arrays. This opens a vast field of applications where you can deconstruct an array of numbers simultaneously. Consider the following example:

import numpy as np

array = np.array([0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5])
mantissas, exponents = np.frexp(array)
print('Mantissas:', mantissas, '\nExponents:', exponents)


Mantissas: [0.5 0.75 0.625 0.875] 
Exponents: [0 1 2 2]

Each number in the array is decomposed into its mantissa and exponent, enabling batch processing of numerical data.

Integration with Mathematical Operations

A more advanced use of numpy.frexp() is integrating it with other mathematical operations or functions. Suppose you need to normalize a large dataset for neural network training. Here’s how you might employ numpy.frexp() in achieving this:

import numpy as np

data = np.random.rand(1000) * 100
normalized_mantissas, _ = np.frexp(data)
print('First 5 Normalized Mantissas:', normalized_mantissas[:5])


First 5 Normalized Mantissas: [0.5380158  0.77476966 0.64440536 0.7049923  0.6029315 ]

Normalizing the data involves scaling input vectors to unit norms. By extracting the mantissas using numpy.frexp(), you can efficiently normalize the dataset without directly manipulating the exponent part, thus improving numerical stability.

Working with Complex Numbers

Finally, a more sophisticated and less commonly discussed application of numpy.frexp() is working with complex numbers. However, it’s important to note that numpy.frexp() directly doesn’t support complex numbers. So, we will split the complex number into its real and imaginary parts, apply numpy.frexp() on both, and then combine the results. Here’s how:

import numpy as np

complex_number = complex(5, 3)
real_part, imag_part = complex_number.real, complex_number.imag
real_mantissa, real_exponent = np.frexp(real_part)
imag_mantissa, imag_exponent = np.frexp(imag_part)
    f'Real Part Mantissa: {real_mantissa}, Exponent: {real_exponent}\nImaginary Part Mantissa: {imag_mantissa}, Exponent: {imag_exponent}')


Real Part Mantissa: 0.625, Exponent: 3
Imaginary Part Mantissa: 0.75, Exponent: 2

It demonstrates a creative utilization of numpy.frexp() in dealing with complex numbers, extending its utility beyond straightforward numerical decomposition.


The numpy.frexp() function is a powerful tool for decomposing numbers into their mantissa and exponent parts, facilitating numerical stability and performance enhancements across various applications. From processing individual numbers and arrays to integrating with mathematical operations and handling complex numbers, numpy.frexp() underlies a key aspect of numerical computation in Python. Through the examples provided, you should now have a foundational understanding of how to leverage numpy.frexp() in your numerical computing tasks.