Using numpy.frombuffer() function (5 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


The numpy.frombuffer() function is an essential tool in NumPy, a fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. This function allows you to create a NumPy array from any object that exposes the buffer interface, such as bytes, bytearray, or even another array. Understanding how to use numpy.frombuffer() effectively can significantly optimize data processing and manipulation in Python. In this tutorial, we will explore five practical examples that demonstrate how to use the numpy.frombuffer() function, ranging from basic to advanced applications.

Syntax & Parameters

Before diving into examples, let’s see the syntax and parameters of the function.


numpy.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=float, count=-1, offset=0)


  • buffer: buffer_like. An object that exposes the buffer interface.
  • dtype: data-type, optional. The data type of the returned array. Default is float.
  • count: int, optional. The number of items to read. -1 means all data in the buffer.
  • offset: int, optional. The starting position to read from in the buffer. Measured in bytes.


  • arr: ndarray. An array interpretation of the buffer data.

Example 1: Basic Conversion from Bytes Object

Let’s start with the basics of creating a NumPy array from a bytes object.

import numpy as np

# Create a bytes object
data = b'hello world'
# Convert to a numpy array
array = np.frombuffer(data, dtype='S1')


[b'h' b'e' b'l' b'l' b'o' b' ' b'w' b'o' b'r' b'l' b'd']

This example demonstrates how to convert a simple bytes object into a NumPy array of single-byte strings.

Example 2: Working with larger datatypes

Next, we shift our examples towards working with larger datatypes.

import numpy as np

# Example binary data representing integers
binary_data = bytearray([0,0,0,5, 0,0,0,10])
# Using frombuffer to create an array of integers
array = np.frombuffer(binary_data, dtype=np.int32)


[5 10]

This highlights the power of numpy.frombuffer() in handling larger data types efficiently.

Example 3: Interpreting Floating Point Numbers

Moving on to interpreting floating point numbers from binary data.

import numpy as np

# Example binary data
binary_data = bytearray(struct.pack('f f', 1.5, 2.5))

# Convert to numpy array
array = np.frombuffer(binary_data, dtype=np.float32)


[1.5 2.5]

This demonstrates how numpy.frombuffer() can interpret floating-point numbers packed in binary format.

Example 4: Handling Complex Data Types

Now, let’s see how numpy.frombuffer() can handle more complex data types.

import numpy as np

# Assume we have a complex structure
class MyData:
    def __init__(self, id, value): = id
        self.value = value

# Instantiating MyData
my_data = MyData(1, 2.5)

# Faking a buffer here for illustrative purposes
buffer = bytes( + struct.pack('f', my_data.value)

array = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=[('id', np.int8), ('value', np.float32)])
print(array['id'], array['value'])


1 2.5

This showcases how numpy.frombuffer() can be used to interpret complex structures comprised of multiple data types.

Example 5: Real-world Application: Streaming Data

Finally, we delve into a more practical, real-world application of numpy.frombuffer(): streaming data processing.

import numpy as np

# Simulating streaming of binary data representing floats
def stream_data():
    for i in range(5):
        # Simulate a stream packet
        yield struct.pack('f', i*0.5)

# Collecting and processing stream
stream_buffer = bytearray()
for data in stream_data():
    stream_buffer += data

# Processing the collected stream buffer
stream_array = np.frombuffer(stream_buffer, dtype=np.float32)


[0.  0.5 1.  1.5 2. ]

This example illustrates the power of numpy.frombuffer() in processing streaming binary data, transforming it into a usable NumPy array format for further analysis and manipulation.


The numpy.frombuffer() function is a powerful tool for efficient data conversion and manipulation in Python. By understanding and leveraging this function, developers can handle a wide range of data types and formats, from simple bytes objects to complex data structures and streaming data. This tutorial demonstrates the versatility and efficiency of numpy.frombuffer(), proving its worth in numerous practical applications.