How to Use NumPy in Parallel Computing Scenarios

Updated: January 23, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy, a cornerstone in the Python scientific computing stack, remains a vital tool for numerical computations. However, in an era defined by big data and complex computational demands, harnessing parallel computing capabilities can be crucial for optimizing performance.

This tutorial aims to guide you through leveraging NumPy in parallel computing scenarios to improve the execution time of numerical operations. We’ll explore various strategies that involve both multi-threading and multi-processing.

Understanding NumPy’s Internals

Before diving into parallelization, one must understand how NumPy operates. NumPy largely benefits from its use of contiguous memory blocks and efficient operations that are internally vectorized. This design permits SIMD (Single Instruction, Multiple Data) optimization, which is a form of parallelism at the CPU level. Yet, NumPy’s primary operations are synchronous and run on a single core by default.

Method 1: Using threading for I/O-bound tasks

The Python threading module allows for parallelization of I/O-bound tasks without the heavy lifting of processes, making it suitable for scenarios where tasks aren’t CPU intensive but wait on I/O operations. NumPy can indirectly benefit from threading, but when the computations are CPU-bound, Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) often restricts the performance gains.

import threading
import numpy as np

def compute_heavy(array):
    # Pretend we do some heavy computation here
    return np.sin(array) * np.cos(array)
array = np.random.rand(1000000)

# Thread Function
def thread_function(start, end):
    # Perform computation on subset of array

# Create Threads
threads = []
for i in range(4): # Creating 4 threads
    t = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(i*250000, (i+1)*250000))

# Join Threads
for t in threads:

The above example dispatches threads to compute over slices of an array. While effective for I/O bound tasks, for CPU-bound tasks, the GIL may limit the effectiveness of this approach.

Method 2: Applying multi-processing for CPU-bound tasks

When dealing with CPU-intensive NumPy computations, multiprocessing is typically more effective. Python’s multiprocessing module can sidestep the GIL, allowing true concurrent execution on multiple CPU cores.

from multiprocessing import Pool
import numpy as np

def compute_heavy(array):
    # Pretend we do some heavy computation here
    return np.sin(array) ** 2

array = np.random.rand(1000000)
segment_count = 8
segment_size = len(array) // segment_count

# Multi-processor Function
def mp_worker(segment_index):
    start = segment_index * segment_size
    end = (segment_index + 1) * segment_size
    return compute_heavy(array[start:end])

# Create Pool
if __name__ == '__main__':
    with Pool(processes=8) as pool:
        results =, range(segment_count))

This script employs a process pool to conduct heavy computations over distinct array chunks. By circumventing the GIL, this allows full utilization of multi-core CPUs for intensive tasks.

Method 3: Exploiting NumPy’s Built-in Parallelism

Some of NumPy’s operations can automatically exploit multiple cores via built-in parallelism implemented in its backend libraries like BLAS and LAPACK. Enabling and configuring this can be done via environment variables or through runtime environment setup on machines that support it.

Below is a NumPy code example that demonstrates a scenario where NumPy’s built-in parallelism can be utilized. This example involves operations like matrix multiplication, which are typically optimized to take advantage of multiple cores through backend libraries like BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) and LAPACK (Linear Algebra Package).

import numpy as np
import time

# Generate large random matrices
a = np.random.rand(10000, 10000)
b = np.random.rand(10000, 10000)

# Record the start time
start_time = time.time()

# Perform matrix multiplication, which is one of the operations that
# can utilize built-in parallelism in NumPy
c =, b)

# Record the end time
end_time = time.time()

# Print the time taken for the operation
print(f"Time taken for matrix multiplication: {end_time - start_time} seconds")

# Optionally, perform other operations that benefit from parallelism
# e.g., large-scale linear algebra operations, matrix decompositions, etc.


  • Matrix Generation: We start by generating two large random matrices a and b. These matrices are quite large (10000×10000), making the matrix multiplication computationally intensive.
  • Matrix Multiplication: The function is used to multiply these matrices. This operation is one of those where NumPy typically leverages the underlying BLAS and LAPACK libraries. These libraries are often optimized for parallel execution on multi-core processors.
  • Timing the Operation: We measure the time taken to perform this multiplication. In environments where NumPy is configured to use optimized BLAS/LAPACK implementations (like OpenBLAS, MKL), this operation will be significantly faster due to parallel processing.
  • Parallelism: The actual use of multiple cores is handled internally by NumPy and the backend libraries. The extent of parallelism can depend on the specific BLAS/LAPACK implementation and the hardware capabilities of the machine.

Method 4: Integrating with Specialized Libraries for Parallel Computing

There are several libraries designed to handle parallel computations, like Dask and Joblib, which can integrate seamlessly with NumPy and enable distributed computations.

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np

# Dask Array Initialization
def heavy_computation(darr):
    # Heavy computation
    return darr.mean().compute()

size = 10000000
chunk_size = 1000000
original_array = np.random.rand(size)
dask_array = da.from_array(original_array, chunks=chunk_size)

result = heavy_computation(dask_array)

Dask extends NumPy arrays to enable parallel/distributed computing, which can significantly improve the performance of large data sets that do not fit into memory.

Utilizing NumPy in parallel computing scenarios requires an understanding of the underlying data, the type of computation, and the appropriate tools. No single approach suits all scenarios; performance tuning is often specific to the workload and the system architecture. However, by considering the outlined methods and choosing the appropriate parallelization strategy, one can make the most of multi-core systems and enhance the performance of NumPy operations.


The transition from single-core to parallel computation with NumPy involves recognizing the nature of your tasks and employing the right combination of tools and techniques. Through this comprehensive look at threading, multiprocessing, and more specialized parallel computing frameworks, we have explored pathways to elevate the efficiency of your NumPy-based computations.