Using numpy.isnat() function (5 examples)

Updated: March 1, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Python’s NumPy library is a cornerstone for those working with numerical data. Among its plethora of functionalities, dealing with dates and time is facilitated by a range of specialized functions. In this tutorial, we will focus on the numpy.isnat() function, which is used to identify ‘NaT’ (Not a Time) values in date-time arrays. Understanding how to effectively use numpy.isnat() is crucial for data preprocessing, cleaning, and analysis. We will walk through 5 examples, escalating from basic to advanced uses, to explore the versatility and efficiency of this function.

Syntax & Parameters


numpy.isnat(x, /, out=None, *, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', dtype=None, subok=True[, signature, extobj])


  • x: array_like. Input array containing datetime or timedelta values.
  • out: ndarray, None, or tuple of ndarray and None, optional. A location into which the result is stored. If provided, it must have a shape that the inputs broadcast to. If not provided or None, a freshly-allocated array is returned.
  • where: array_like, optional. This condition is broadcast over the input. At locations where the condition is True, the out array will be set to the ufunc result. Elsewhere, the out array will retain its original value.
  • casting, order, dtype, subok, signature, extobj: These are additional options for advanced usage, controlling the behavior of casting, memory order, data type, and other aspects of how the operation is performed.

Example 1: Basic Usage of numpy.isnat()

In our first example, let’s start with the basics. We’ll create a NumPy array of dates with one ‘NaT’ value and use numpy.isnat() to identify it.

import numpy as np

dates = np.array(['2023-01-01', 'NaT', '2023-01-03'], dtype='datetime64[D]')
is_nat = np.isnat(dates)


[False, True, False]

This code demonstrates how numpy.isnat() returns an array of Boolean values, indicating whether each element is ‘NaT’ or not.

Example 2: Working with Time Series Data

Time series data often contain missing or undefined time points, which can be systematically identified using numpy.isnat(). In this example, we use a datetime array representative of a time series dataset.

import numpy as np
time_series = np.array(['2023-02-28', '2023-03-01', 'NaT', '2023-03-03'], dtype='datetime64[D]')
is_nat_series = np.isnat(time_series)


[False, False, True, False]

This pattern of identifying ‘NaT’ values is particularly useful in pre-processing stages of time series analysis.

Example 3: Filtering Out ‘NaT’ Values

After identifying ‘NaT’ values, one often needs to exclude or handle them in data arrays. This example details the process of filtering out ‘NaT’ values from an array of dates.

import numpy as np

dates = np.array(['2023-01-01', 'NaT', '2023-03-01', '2023-04-01'], dtype='datetime64[D]')
filtered_dates = dates[~np.isnat(dates)]


['2023-01-01' '2023-03-01' '2023-04-01']

Using a negation of the numpy.isnat() boolean array as an index, we can easily remove ‘NaT’ values, leaving us with an array of valid dates.

Example 4: Integrating with Pandas

NumPy’s numpy.isnat() function is not limited to stand-alone NumPy arrays; it integrates well with pandas’ DataFrames, which are built on top of NumPy. In this example, we combine pandas and NumPy to work with a DataFrame containing dates and identify ‘NaT’ values.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'Date': ['2023-01-01', 'NaT', '2023-01-03', 'NaT', '2023-01-05'], 'Value': [10, 20, 15, 25, 30]})
df['IsNaT'] = np.isnat(df['Date'])


         Date  Value  IsNaT
0  2023-01-01     10  False
1         NaT     20   True
2  2023-01-03     15  False
3         NaT     25   True
4  2023-01-05     30  False

This script not only locates ‘NaT’ values but also appends a new column to our DataFrame indicating the presence of such values, adding a layer of information valuable for data analysis.

Example 5: Complex Scenario – Time Series Analysis

In our final example, let’s tackle a more complex use case where ‘NaT’ values may significantly impact the outcome of time series analysis. Suppose we have hourly data for a particular variable over several days, with some hours missing. The goal is to clean this dataset by removing ‘NaT’ timestamps, thereby making the dataset suitable for further analysis.

import numpy as np

time_data = np.arange('2023-04-01T00:00', '2023-04-07T00:00', dtype='datetime64[h]')
# Simulate 'NaT' values randomly
random_idx = np.random.choice(range(len(time_data)), size=10, replace=False)
time_data[random_idx] = 'NaT'

filtered_time_data = time_data[~np.isnat(time_data)]

Output (vary);

['2023-04-01T00' '2023-04-01T01' '2023-04-01T02' '2023-04-01T05'
 '2023-04-01T06' '2023-04-01T07' '2023-04-01T08' '2023-04-01T09'
 '2023-04-01T10' '2023-04-01T11' '2023-04-01T12' '2023-04-01T13'
 '2023-04-01T14' '2023-04-01T15' '2023-04-01T16' '2023-04-01T17'
 '2023-04-01T18' '2023-04-01T20' '2023-04-01T21' '2023-04-01T22'
 '2023-04-01T23' '2023-04-02T00' '2023-04-02T01' '2023-04-02T02'
 '2023-04-02T03' '2023-04-02T04' '2023-04-02T05' '2023-04-02T06'
 '2023-04-02T07' '2023-04-02T08' '2023-04-02T09' '2023-04-02T10'
 '2023-04-02T11' '2023-04-02T12' '2023-04-02T13' '2023-04-02T14'
 '2023-04-02T15' '2023-04-02T16' '2023-04-02T17' '2023-04-02T18'
 '2023-04-02T19' '2023-04-02T21' '2023-04-02T22' '2023-04-02T23'
 '2023-04-03T00' '2023-04-03T01' '2023-04-03T02' '2023-04-03T03'
 '2023-04-03T04' '2023-04-03T05' '2023-04-03T06' '2023-04-03T07'
 '2023-04-03T08' '2023-04-03T09' '2023-04-03T10' '2023-04-03T11'
 '2023-04-03T12' '2023-04-03T13' '2023-04-03T14' '2023-04-03T15'
 '2023-04-03T16' '2023-04-03T17' '2023-04-03T18' '2023-04-03T19'
 '2023-04-03T20' '2023-04-03T21' '2023-04-03T22' '2023-04-03T23'
 '2023-04-04T00' '2023-04-04T01' '2023-04-04T03' '2023-04-04T04'
 '2023-04-04T05' '2023-04-04T06' '2023-04-04T07' '2023-04-04T08'
 '2023-04-04T09' '2023-04-04T10' '2023-04-04T11' '2023-04-04T12'
 '2023-04-04T13' '2023-04-04T14' '2023-04-04T15' '2023-04-04T16'
 '2023-04-04T17' '2023-04-04T18' '2023-04-04T19' '2023-04-04T20'
 '2023-04-04T21' '2023-04-04T23' '2023-04-05T00' '2023-04-05T02'
 '2023-04-05T03' '2023-04-05T04' '2023-04-05T05' '2023-04-05T06'
 '2023-04-05T07' '2023-04-05T08' '2023-04-05T09' '2023-04-05T10'
 '2023-04-05T11' '2023-04-05T12' '2023-04-05T13' '2023-04-05T14'
 '2023-04-05T15' '2023-04-05T16' '2023-04-05T17' '2023-04-05T18'
 '2023-04-05T19' '2023-04-05T21' '2023-04-05T22' '2023-04-05T23'
 '2023-04-06T00' '2023-04-06T01' '2023-04-06T02' '2023-04-06T03'
 '2023-04-06T04' '2023-04-06T05' '2023-04-06T06' '2023-04-06T07'
 '2023-04-06T08' '2023-04-06T09' '2023-04-06T10' '2023-04-06T11'
 '2023-04-06T12' '2023-04-06T13' '2023-04-06T14' '2023-04-06T15'
 '2023-04-06T16' '2023-04-06T17' '2023-04-06T18' '2023-04-06T19'
 '2023-04-06T20' '2023-04-06T21']

The output showcases a cleaned array, ready for detailed time series analysis.


The numpy.isnat() function is a powerful tool for handling ‘NaT’ values in datetime arrays. Through the examples provided, we have seen its application from simple to complex scenarios, highlighting its importance in data cleaning and analysis processes. Grasping its usage paves the way for more efficient and accurate analyses, particularly in time-sensitive datasets.