Using numpy.rint() function (4 examples)

Updated: February 25, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we will delve into the usage of the numpy.rint() function through four structured examples, ranging from basic to advanced implementations. The numpy.rint() function is a vital part of the numpy library, which is heavily utilized in the Python programming language for scientific computing. This function rounds numbers to the nearest integer, maintaining the data type of the input array. Understanding its usage can be crucial in data preprocessing, data analysis, and any area requiring precise numerical manipulation.


  • Basic understanding of Python programming.
  • Installation of Python and numpy on your system.

Example 1: Basic Usage of numpy.rint()

Let’s start with a straightforward example to illustrate how numpy.rint() works with a simple array of floating-point numbers.

import numpy as np

# Creating an array of floating-point numbers
arr = np.array([1.7, 2.3, 3.5, 4.8])

# Applying numpy.rint() to round the numbers
des_arr = np.rint(arr)

print("Original Array:", arr)
print("Rounded Array:", des_arr)


Original Array: [1.7, 2.3, 3.5, 4.8]
Rounded Array: [2., 2., 4., 5.]

As seen, numpy.rint() rounds each element of the array to its nearest integer which demonstrates the fundamental operation of the function.

Example 2: Working with Multi-dimensional Arrays

Moving on, let’s see how numpy.rint() behaves with a multi-dimensional array. This example will help you understand the function’s versatility across different data structures.

import numpy as np

# Creating a 2D array of floating-point numbers
arr2D = np.array([[1.5, 2.8],[3.7, 4.1]])

# Rounding the elements using numpy.rint()
des_arr2D = np.rint(arr2D)

print("Original 2D Array:", arr2D)
print("Rounded 2D Array:", des_arr2D)


Original 2D Array: [[1.5, 2.8], [3.7, 4.1]]
Rounded 2D Array: [[2., 3.], [4., 4.]]

The same rounding logic applies to multi-dimensional arrays, making numpy.rint() applicable for diverse data sets and scientific computations.

Example 3: Rounding with NaN values and Inf

An advanced aspect of the numpy.rint() function is dealing with special values like NaN (Not a Number) and Inf (Infinity). Validating the function’s response to these values is crucial for data cleaning and preprocessing tasks.

import numpy as np

# Creating an array with NaN and Inf values
special_arr = np.array([np.nan, np.inf, -np.inf, 1.9])

# Rounding the array using numpy.rint()
des_special_arr = np.rint(special_arr)

print("Original Array:", special_arr)
print("Rounded Array:", des_special_arr)


Original Array: [nan,  inf, -inf,  1.9]
Rounded Array: [nan,  inf, -inf,  2.]

This example demonstrates how numpy.rint() interacts with special values, rounding numeric values while leaving NaN and Inf untouched.

Example 4: Integration with numpy Broadcasting and Universal Functions

To showcase a more complex scenario, consider a case involving numpy’s broadcasting feature and the use of numpy.rint() as a universal function. This will illustrate how to extend the basic functionality of rounding to perform element-wise operations on arrays of different shapes.

import numpy as np

# Creating two arrays of different shapes
arr1D = np.array([0.9, 1.6])
arr2D = np.array([[1.1, 2.4], [3.9, 4.2]])

# Broadcasting addition then rounding
result = np.rint(arr1D + arr2D)

print("Resulting Array:", result)


Resulting Array: [[2., 4.], [5., 6.]]

In this example, numpy’s broadcasting feature automatically aligns arrays of different shapes for element-wise operations. Subsequently, numpy.rint() function is applied to round the result, showcasing its utility in advanced numerical manipulations.


The numpy.rint() function is a highly versatile tool for numerical manipulation in Python. Through these four examples, we have seen its application across a range of scenarios from basic rounding operations to handling complex data structures and special values. Mastering numpy.rint() can significantly enhance your data processing and analytical tasks, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in your scientific computing endeavors.