Using NumPy with PyTables: The Complete Guide

Updated: February 19, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


NumPy is a core library for numerical computations in Python, offering an array object much more efficient for mathematical operations than Python’s native lists. PyTables, on the other hand, is built on top of the HDF5 library and provides a flexible, high-performance solution for managing hierarchical datasets. Together, they enable dealing with large amounts of data efficiently.

NumPy and PyTables offer a powerful combination for managing large datasets and performing numerical operations in Python. This comprehensive guide will introduce you to the capabilities and best practices for integrating these two libraries. We’ll start from basic concepts and gradually advance to more complex scenarios, providing code examples along the way.

Getting Started

import numpy as np
import tables as tb

Ensure you have both libraries installed in your environment. You can do so using pip:

pip install numpy tables

Creating and Storing NumPy Arrays in PyTables

First, let’s create a NumPy array and store it in a PyTables file:

file = tb.open_file('my_data.h5', mode='w')
array = np.random.rand(100, 100)
dataset = file.create_array(file.root, 'my_array', array)

This creates a 100×100 array of random floats and stores it in an HDF5 file under the name ‘my_array’. It’s a straightforward way to save large arrays that you might need to reload and use in future operations.

Reading NumPy Arrays from PyTables

file = tb.open_file('my_data.h5', mode='r')
stored_array = file.root.my_array[:]

This code snippet demonstrates how to read the previously stored array back into a NumPy array.

Working with Variable-sized Data

One of the strengths of PyTables is its ability to handle variable-sized data gracefully. Suppose you have a series of arrays of different shapes that you wish to store efficiently. PyTables enables you to do this through EArrays.

file = tb.open_file('var_data.h5', mode='w')
earray = file.create_earray(file.root, 'var_array', tb.Float64Atom(), (0, 100))
for _ in range(10):
    earray.append(np.random.rand(1, 100))

EArrays are extendable arrays, perfect for situations where your dataset might grow over time. Here, we initialize an EArray with a fixed number of columns (100) but allow for an unspecified number of rows.

Querying Data with PyTables

PyTables is not just about storage; it also provides powerful querying capabilities which can be extremely useful when working with large datasets. Here’s an example of how you might filter your data based on specific criteria:

file = tb.open_file('my_data.h5', mode='a')
class MyData(tb.IsDescription):
    value  = tb.Float64Col()
    index = tb.IntCol()
table = file.create_table(file.root, 'filtered', MyData)
for i, val in enumerate(stored_array.flat):
    if val > 0.5:
        table.row['value'] = val
        table.row['index'] = i

This code filters the array, saving only those items with a value greater than 0.5 to a new table.

Advanced Operations

Both NumPy and PyTables support more advanced operations, such as performing mathematical computations across large datasets, handling multidimensional data, and integrating with other Python libraries for data analysis and visualization.

For instance, combining NumPy’s powerful slicing and computational abilities with PyTables’ efficient data storage and retrieval mechanisms can significantly optimize performance for complex data analyses.


Using NumPy together with PyTables provides a robust solution for managing and processing large datasets in Python. Through this guide, we’ve seen how to work with both libraries from basic storage and retrieval to more complex data querying and manipulation scenarios. As you become more familiar with these tools, you’ll uncover even more ways to optimize your data analysis workflows.