Using numpy.ascontiguousarray() function (5 examples)

Updated: February 29, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding the structure and layout of arrays in memory can significantly impact the performance of numeric computations. This is where the numpy.ascontiguousarray() function steps in, a powerful tool within the NumPy library for Python. This tutorial will introduce you to the numpy.ascontiguousarray() function through 5 practical examples, spanning from basic applications to more advanced concepts. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to utilize this function to optimize your array manipulations for better computational efficiency.

What is a Contiguous Array?

Before diving into the specifics of the numpy.ascontiguousarray() function, it’s essential to understand what we mean by ‘contiguous’ in the context of an array. A contiguous array is one where the memory layout is sequential, with no gaps between the elements. This layout is crucial for the speed of operations, as it allows for efficient memory access and data manipulation.

Syntax & Parameters of numpy.ascontiguousarray()


numpy.ascontiguousarray(a, dtype=None)


  • a: array_like. The input array you want to make C-contiguous.
  • dtype: data-type, optional. By specifying a dtype, you can ensure the resulting array has this data type. If it’s different from the input array a‘s dtype, a copy is made. If None, the dtype of the input array is preserved.


  • out: ndarray. A C-contiguous array with the same shape and content as the input array.

Example 1: Converting an Array to a Contiguous Array

import numpy as np

# Creating a non-contiguous array
a = np.arange(10)[::2]
print('Original array:\n', a)
print('Memory layout:', a.flags)


Original array:
 [0 2 4 6 8]
Memory layout:   C_CONTIGUOUS : False
  OWNDATA : False
  ALIGNED : True

This code snippet generates a non-contiguous array by selecting every other element from a range of numbers. When printed, the memory layout information will show that the array is not stored in a contiguous block of memory. Let’s make it contiguous:

b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
print('New array:\n', b)
print('Memory layout:', b.flags)


New array:
 [0 2 4 6 8]
Memory layout:   C_CONTIGUOUS : True
  OWNDATA : True
  ALIGNED : True

After applying np.ascontiguousarray(), the memory layout of the array changes, showing that it’s now stored contiguously. This optimization can lead to more efficient computations.

Example 2: Impact on Performance

Next, let’s examine how converting an array to a contiguous layout can impact computational performance.

import numpy as np
import time

# Creating a non-contiguous array
a = np.arange(1000000)[::2]

# Timing computation on non-contiguous array
start = time.time()
result = a.sum()
print('Non-contiguous sum time:', time.time() - start)

Output (vary):

Non-contiguous sum time: 0.00704193115234375

Now, let’s repeat the computation with the array converted to a contiguous layout:

b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)

# Timing computation on contiguous array
start = time.time()
result = b.sum()
print('Contiguous sum time:', time.time() - start)

Ouput (vary):

Contiguous sum time: 6.008148193359375e-05

This example illustrates that operations performed on contiguous arrays tend to complete more quickly, demonstrating the importance of memory layout for numerical computations.

Example 3: Working with Multidimensional Arrays

The function is also highly useful for multidimensional arrays, where the concept of contiguity becomes even more critical.

import numpy as np

# Creating a multidimensional non-contiguous array
a = np.zeros((3, 3))[::2, ::2]
print('Original array:\n', a)
print('Memory layout:', a.flags)

Similarly, we can make it contiguous:

b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)
print('New array:\n', b)
print('Memory layout:', b.flags)

This action ensures that data is laid out sequentially in memory, potentially enhancing the performance of complex operations involved in scientific computing.

Example 4: Affecting Data Views

It’s also vital to understand how numpy.ascontiguousarray() can affect views of the data. When an array is made contiguous, a copy is sometimes created. This behavior is essential to keep in mind when working with large datasets, to avoid unnecessary memory usage.

import numpy as np

# Original slice view
a = np.arange(10)[::2]
b = np.ascontiguousarray(a)

# Checking if they share memory
print('Do a and b share memory?', np.shares_memory(a, b))


Do a and b share memory? False

In this example, b does not share memory with a, as making an array contiguous involves creating a copy when the original array is non-contiguous. This emphasizes the need for careful consideration regarding memory efficiency when working with this function.

Example 5: Using with Complex Operations

In more sophisticated scenarios, ensuring data contiguity can be crucial for the performance of complex operations, such as machine learning algorithms or large-scale numerical simulations.

import numpy as np

# Preparing data
X = np.random.rand(1000, 1000)
Y = X[::2, ::2]

# Making Y contiguous
Y_contiguous = np.ascontiguousarray(Y)

In this scenario, data contiguity ensures that operations on Y_contiguous, such as matrix multiplications or aggregations, perform optimally by leveraging efficient memory access patterns.


The numpy.ascontiguousarray() function is a potent tool for optimizing the performance of numerical computations in Python by ensuring efficient memory layout. Through the examples demonstrated, starting from basic to more advanced scenarios, we’ve seen how data contiguity plays a vital role in computational efficiency. Making informed decisions about when and how to use this function can enable significant performance improvements in an array of numerical tasks.