Using OVERLAPS operator with dates in PostgreSQL

Updated: January 5, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


In this tutorial, we’ll explore the practical use of the OVERLAPS operator in PostgreSQL to handle comparisons between date and time ranges and how to embed it into various queries.

Understanding OVERLAPS in PostgreSQL

The OVERLAPS operator in PostgreSQL is a boolean operator used to check if two date, time, or timestamp ranges intersect. It simplifies the logic required to determine if there is any overlap between two periods. Here’s the basic syntax:

SELECT (start1, end1) OVERLAPS (start2, end2) AS overlap_result;

Let’s start by trying some basic examples.

Basic Examples

CREATE TABLE schedule (
    event_name VARCHAR(100),
    start_time TIMESTAMP,
    end_time TIMESTAMP

INSERT INTO schedule (event_name, start_time, end_time) VALUES
('Event A', '2023-01-10 09:00:00', '2023-01-10 11:00:00'),
('Event B', '2023-01-10 10:00:00', '2023-01-10 12:00:00');

    (start_time, end_time) OVERLAPS ('2023-01-10 08:00:00', '2023-01-10 09:30:00') AS overlaps_morning

This will return a table indicating whether each event overlaps with the specified morning time range.

Advanced Use Cases

Now let’s examine some more intricate usage scenarios, such as joining tables based on overlapping ranges or implementing this logic within functions.

-- Example: Finding overlapping events with other events
    a.event_name AS event_a,
    b.event_name AS event_b
    schedule a,
    schedule b
    (a.start_time, a.end_time) OVERLAPS (b.start_time, b.end_time)
    AND <>;

Here, we’re comparing each event in the schedule with one another to find pairs of overlapping events.

We can also integrate OVERLAPS in complex queries, for example involving multiple tables with differing date ranges.

-- Imagine a reservations table and a maintenance periods table. We'll check for any reservations that coincide with maintenance periods.

    reservations r,
    maintenance_periods m
    (r.check_in, r.check_out) OVERLAPS (m.start_time, m.end_time);

Handling edge cases

It’s important to also be aware of edge cases. For example, when the start and end times are the same, or what happens if the ranges just touch at the end begin and the begin start. Here, understanding how PostgreSQL treats boundaries is crucial.

Optimization and Performance

While the OVERLAPS operator can be powerful, performance considerations are important as your database scales.


Creating appropriate indexes can significantly improve the performance of queries using the OVERLAPS operator, particularly when dealing with larger amounts of data.

CREATE INDEX idx_schedule ON schedule USING gist (tsrange(start_time, end_time));

By using GIS indices on range types we ensure the database can quickly retrieve the relevant rows.

Using OVERLAPS with Custom Date Ranges

OVERLAPS works not only with timestamps but also with custom range types.

-- Creating a custom date range type
    daterange(a.start_date, a.end_date) OVERLAPS daterange(b.start_date, b.end_date) AS date_range_overlap
    schedule a,
    schedule b;


Through this guide, we’ve seen how the OVERLAPS operator in PostgreSQL provides a simple and efficient method for determining the intersection of date and time ranges. It is an indispensable tool in the arsenal of database developers handling scheduling, booking, or any time-based range comparisons.