Using printf() and sprintf() in PHP

Updated: January 9, 2024 By: Guest Contributor Post a comment


Understanding how to format strings is essential for PHP developers. This article explores printf() and sprintf(), two important functions that enable fine-grained string manipulation and output formatting in PHP.

What are the printf() and sprintf() Functions?

The printf() function outputs a formatted string to the browser, whereas sprintf() returns the formatted string without outputting it. Both functions take a string format followed by a variable number of arguments and provide a way of inserting those arguments into the string in various formats.


printf(string $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]])
sprintf(string $format [, mixed $args [, mixed $... ]])

Basic Usage

To use printf(), simply pass the format string followed by the variables you want to include:

printf("Hello, %s!", "world");

sprintf() works similarly but returns the formatted string:

$formatted = sprintf("Hello, %s!", "world");
echo $formatted;

Format Specifiers

Both functions use format specifiers that start with a percent sign (%) followed by a character that indicates the type of value to insert:

  • %s – string
  • %d – integer (decimal)
  • %f – floating point number

Advanced Formatting

Beyond simple placeholders, printf() and sprintf() can control padding, alignment, width, and precision:

printf("User ID: %08d", 123);
printf("%.2f", 123.456);
sprintf("%-10s", "left aligned");

Positional Arguments

Positional arguments allow you to specify the order of variables, which is especially useful when a variable should appear multiple times:

printf("%2\$s is %1\$d years old.", 25, "John");
sprintf("The %2\$s contains %1\$d monkeys.", 6, "tree");

Using printf() and sprintf() with Arrays

With vsprintf() and vprintf(), you can format strings using arrays:

$values = array(3.142, "pi");
echo sprintf("The value of %2\$s is %1\$0.2f", $values);

Complex Examples

In more complex scenarios, such as localizing formatted numbers, printf() and sprintf() can be combined with other functions like setlocale() and number_format():

setlocale(LC_MONETARY, "en_US");
printf("You owe %s.", money_format("%i", 1000));


printf() and sprintf() offer powerful capabilities for string formatting in PHP. They make it simple to format strings for user display or processing, support a wide variety of datatypes, and allow for complex formatting logic that can be reused across different parts of an application.